Sunday, November 21, 2021

White Actor Mark Ruffalo Supports the White Genocide Project, and He Wants Everyone to Know It!

[Re: “On Kyle Rittenhouse's Crimes against blacks (Graphics).”]

By Eahilf
Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 8:41:00 P.M. EST

Twitter/Mark RuffaloWe come together to mourn the lives lost to the same racist system that devalues black lives and devalued the lives of Anthony and JoJo.

I assume “Anthony” = Anthony Huber and “JoJo” = Joseph Rosenbaum.

Seeing this tweet by Ruffalo made me remember a post I saw on gab by someone who was previously booted off twitter: “It’s a great feeling to know you can call some celebrity a faggot and your account will still be there the next day.”

Why are so many entertainment types such virtue-signalling faggots?


Anonymous said...

The lives being "devalued"--by comments like his--and other comments similar to them,are White lives.Period.


eahilf said...

link -- What finally made me lose it was Mark Ruffalo's "RIP JoJo"

FWIW, at the link above is what is presented as an account by someone who claims to be a sibling (seems like a sister to me) of one of Rosenbaum's child sex crime victims -- it's worth reading for both the personal background, as well as to see how really nasty criminals/people are allowed to plea down and get minimal sentences -- I saw it here --> link