Sunday, November 21, 2021

twitter is Up to Its Stupid Human Tricks Again

By N.S.

Breaker Morant
· 11h
This you?
Replying to @Lt_Morant and @CheckmarkAbuser

N.S.: Yeah, that's me. Thanks. They had unofficially shut me down 2.5 years ago, then they suddenly let me back in, but they're back up to their old tricks. I was wondering why I was following people like crazy (91), but hardly anyone (15) was following me back.

Postscript: I'm now up to 179 people I'm following, while stuck on 15 followers.


Anonymous said...

What's "unusual activity",I wonder.


Nicholas said...

I don't think it has anything to do with any "activity" but means, rather: We hate this guy, and mean to silence him.