Friday, November 26, 2021

The Rifleman Soundtrack Suite: Not One, but Two Spectacular Themes by Herschel Burke Gilbert

By N.S.

From 4:27 'til about 7:12, “Mark’s Theme” plays which, for my money, is even better than the main theme. Other series were lucky to have one great theme.

However, I think that “Mark’s Theme” should be “Lucas’ Theme,” and tell of the father’s yearning and grief for his dead wife, and mother of his only child.

1 comment:

eahilf said...

I agree, the music from The Rifleman is great; real genius from Herschel Burke Gilbert -- I downloaded all of it I could find on YouTube some time ago.

Still one of my favorite rerun shows, and in the context of events today I have a better understanding of why: righteous, assertive, even inspiring white vigilantism.

A classic scene:

The Rifleman-Chuck Connors Calls Out A Two Bit Gunfighter