Sunday, November 21, 2021

Pregnant Philadelphia Woman Gunned Down after She Leaves Her Baby Shower

By N.S.

In a case like this, the father of the child is always the initial suspect.

A cute black bank teller at the Capital One was pregnant several years ago. One Monday, she didn’t show up for work. They found her dead in her apartment, in a bloody mess.

Her boyfriend, who didn’t want to pay child support, had stabbed her in the belly, and was sure to kill the unborn child, as well.

(By the way, a few years ago, Capital One shut down the branch. Economics had nothing to do with it. They were racially discriminating against a predominantly White neighborhood, and on behalf of less profitable black and hispanic neighborhoods. The bank’s racism cost it millions of dollars in accounts, as the people here closed out their accounts.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this listed as a "black abortion"?