Monday, November 15, 2021

Questions about the Rittenhouse Jury

[Re: Kyle Rittenhouse: A Hill to Die on.”]

By David in TN
Monday, November 15, 2021 at 8:48:00 P.M. EST

Today Ann Coulter tweeted, “I hope there are no women on the jury due to their general irrationality.”

Remember the first trial of Vanessa Coleman for her part in the Knoxville Horror? I was in the courtroom and since the judge was allowing questions from the jury, I saw a couple of White female jurors practically throw their questions at the judge, which indicated they felt Coleman was mistreated.

N.S.: I also recall the cowardly White woman who left a comment here, claiming to have been a juror in that same trial, who wrote words to the effect that, “The next jury will get her, but good,” when her cowardice and that of her fellow jurors had already guaranteed that no jury would get Coleman, but good.


Anonymous said...

The women will feel sorry for Kyle. He did shoot and the child molester.

Anonymous said...

Shoot and KILL the child molester.

David In TN said...

Today (Thursday) Ann Coulter tweeted, "If this is a hard one, how do these dopes ever manage to boil water?"