Monday, November 15, 2021

VA Primate: Wasike the Deadly Home Invader: black man Spent Day and Night Driving around Rich, White Neighborhood, Knocking on Doors, Until He was Able to Break in a Home, Murder the Owner, and Severely Wound His Fiancee

Mug shot of Melvin H. Wasike

By "W"

[To] N.S.: Maybe you can post his mug shot. Scary!

N.S.: His lawyer will play the crazy card, guaranteed.


Anonymous said...

Don Rickles just texted a message:"He's got a tarantula on his head!"


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Arbury case--nigga just out for a jog--door to door.


Anonymous said...

The devil incarnate? Have that negro ring your doorbell around midnight and see how you would respond.

Anonymous said...

Roam the whitey neighborhoods. "That is where the money is!" Willie Sutton.