Monday, November 15, 2021

Extending Its Stay, the 5th Circuit Says OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate is “Fatally Flawed”

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Good news--until SCOTUS wraps their filthy robes around it.


Anonymous said...

I don't pretend to understand the mechanics of appeals, but I read that this mandate decision can only be appealed to the Supreme Court if Alito agrees. If anyone is going to vote against mandates it would be Thomas and Alito. So if the article I read is correct, we have a chance of keeping medical autonomy alive. I would hope that the argument against the mandate would include the fact that this so-called "vaccine" is neither safe nor effective. Mandates are, in fact, murder as Steve Risch shows that 150,000 have died from the "vaccines" and many more permanently injured. Dr. Mccullough has said that if you don't get vaccinated and end up in the hospital, you have actually made the intelligent choice. You are more apt to end up dead or injured from the vaccine than you if you chance getting the Fauci-Wuhan Virus.

Anonymous said...


GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The start of firearm deer season in Michigan is something many hunters look forward to all year, but new research shows that trekking into the woods could bring you closer to COVID-19 than you might expect.

A study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture found COVID-19 antibodies in two-thirds of a white-tailed deer sample tested in Michigan. The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service took 113 samples from white-tailed deer between January 2020 and March 2021 and found that 67% of them had COVID-19 antibodies.

Although it was a small sample, it’s raised some questions about the spread of the virus within animal populations, especially as firearm deer season begins.

Scientists wrote that it’s unclear how deer are exposed to COVID-19, but possibilities include people, the environment, other deer, or other animals. So, what does that mean for hunters?

A spokesperson with APHIS wrote in a statement that at this point, there isn’t any evidence that animals are playing a significant role in the spread of COVID-19 to people. Based on the information they have, the risk of transmission from animals to people is low. There also isn’t any evidence to show that people can get COVID-19 from preparing or eating meat from an animal with the virus.

APHIS and its partners, however, plan to start a multi-year study soon to learn more about the impacts of COVID-19 in deer as it relates to human and animal health.

Researchers want to find out how common the virus is in deer, the potential impact of COVID-19 on overall deer and wildlife populations, and if white-tailed deer can act as a reservoir for the virus, potentially leading to new variants.

GRA:I saw this on WOOD news and had to post it.What does it mean--and why would deer--who are outdoors--catch Covid in the first place?How many survive?Is there natural Ivermectin in the woods that the deer take to help them cure Covid?Will the DNC(via orders from Fauci) administer vaxxes to herds of deer to cause more mutations for humans?

Strange story.


eahilf said...

>COVID-19 antibodies

Months ago Elon Musk tweeted that a nurse tested him 4x on the same day using the same Ab test; result: 2x negative, 2x positive.

But none of that matters -- the 'pandemic' was immediately politicized, and today it's still, more than anything, a way for politicians and other rent-seekers to present themselves as useful.