Monday, November 15, 2021

black hispanic Thug Who Did a Mere 2 Years for Attempted Murder on a Cop as a Young Felon, Arrested for Sucker Punching PC Asian Cop Who Let Him Get the Drop on Him, with a Heavy Sack, but Bronx Judge Let Him Walk without Bail after Counter-Prosecutors Sought None

Mug shot of aspiring cop-killer, Isus Thompson Pepe

By Nicholas Stix

When Pepe committed attempted murder on another cop in 2008, he should have done 20 years. Instead, he did two.

“He randomly struck Officer Kyo Sun Lee, 30, in the head with a black backpack holding a DVD player, adult videos and a small metal safe, according to a criminal complaint and police sources. The officer’s partner also found Thompson in possession of a black metal box-cutter, according to sources.

“Lee, who reported pain and redness to the right side of his face and back of his head, was taken to North Central Bronx Hospital for evaluation, sources said. 

“The officer recalled the “totally unexpected” attack in a brief interview with The Post outside his home Monday night.

[N.S.: It shouldn’t have been “totally unexpected”!]

“‘I saw him approach and we didn’t make direct eye contact. He saw me and I saw him. It seemed like he was very determined, his focus was straight ahead,’ recounted Lee.

“‘He seemed like he was going to walk across the street … I was looking at him from an angle and turned to see my partner’s back. As I turned on an angle, that’s when he came about here,” he said, pointing to his neck.

“‘Thankfully there were enough officers there to get him into custody,’ Lee said.

“Thompson was hit with three separate assault charges, including at least one felony, giving the judge the discretion to set bail. The suspect also was charged with weapon possession, harassment and resisting arrest, his complaint shows.

“He flailed his arms, kicked his legs and twisted his body, refusing to be handcuffed, during his arrest, according to the complaint.

“Thompson had previously served two years of a five-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to second-degree attempted murder for stabbing a cop in Forest Hills in 2008….

“Lee, when asked how he feels about Thompson’s release, said: ‘I’m not sure how I should feel about it. I was just performing my duty as any officer would.’”

N.S.: He should be mad as hell, but he’s afraid of showing any genuine emotion, just as he was afraid, on the street, of carefully watching a mope who was walking closely past him.

And pc police commissioner Dermot Shea, who has handcuffed his own men, made them laughingstocks, and let them be subjected to colored thugs dumping buckets of water on them, is outraged.

“Ex-Con Who Once Tried to Kill NYPD Cop is Freed without Bail after Another Alleged Attack on Officer”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That negro bull ape would be hard to subdue. Lots of cops needed and the negro is not cooperating.