Sunday, November 21, 2021

Euphemism Alert! “Partyszene”

[Re: "Dutch police fire on Covid Lockdown Protesters."]

By Eahilf
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 10:44:00 A.M. EST

I didn’t watch the video, but I think I can say this: I doubt all the unrest was just about COVID – no doubt, it was partly due to what the German media would euphemistically call the “Partyszene” – just fun-loving young people, but things got a little unruly.

In June 2020 there were some riots in Stuttgart – everyone could see in the videos that it was almost entirely young African and muslim men – but German media is not comfortable acknowledging that, so they said it was the “Partyszene”: All the violence was due to some fun-loving young people and too much alcohol. This was widely ridiculed on social media by people who posted fotos of pretty young socialites dancing and “partying” (München is famous for this) – this is how every German understands the term “Partyszene.”

An article about this:

“Stuttgarts ‘Partyszene’: Ein Wort und seine Vibrationen

So I imagine the cops in Rotterdam had problems with the same “Partyszene” clientele – like every large European city, Rotterdam has a large and mostly poor and disaffected migrant population.

N.S.: Just like what the evil American media did with the phrase “flash mobs” about ten years ago. They took a term associated with peaceful, spontaneous fun put on by Whites and a few Asians, and used it to cover up rabid, racist, planned black violence against Whites and Asians.


eahilf said...

At the link is a foto showing what literally everyone in Germany imagines when seeing or hearing the word 'Partyszene' --> Foto/München-Partyszene

>They took a term associated with peaceful, spontaneous fun

Is nothing sacred?! -- if it wasn't being done in an attempt to hide America's terminal demographic illness it would be funny.

eahilf said...

Someone else watched the videos for me:

Twitter/Hartes Geld -- Das wird jetzt schwierig für die Bunten, deshalb verschweigen sie es: Die Ausschreitungen und Brandstiftungen in #DenHaag gegen #Corona-Maßnahmen wurden federführend von Schwurblern und Nazis aus dem nordafrikanischen Kulturkreis angeführt. :)

The term 'die Bunten' is a derogatory term used for the 'woke' and fans of 'diversity' -- anyway, the trouble/violence and arson ('Ausschreitungen und Brandstiftungen') leading to a police response was instigated by North Africans -- the media was generally silent about that, just describing it as happening in conjunction with a demo against COVID restrictions -- das Übliche.