Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Because the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge Has Departed from the Show Trial Script, the Racial Socialist Left is Targeting Him for Defamation

American hero, who refused to be a crime victim or a corpse, Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse trial Judge Bruce Schroeder

By N.S.

"Anger over Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge Grows after Week of Controversies"



Anonymous said...

Is the jury sequestered? Not sure--if they aren't,it's the same playbook--different case.


eahilf said...

Any 'anger' is being deliberately fomented and stoked by the media -- the reporting on the Rittenhouse case has been extremely biased right from the start (also basically the entire mainstream internet banned him from fundraising for his defense).

You also saw the effects of the media in e.g. the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, as well as Ferguson/Michael Brown -- among others (James Fields/Charlottesville is another example).

And as I said before: recall what they did to the kid from Covington for the crime of appearing to smirk at an Indian banging a drum in his face -- if they did that to Nick Sandmann for such a trivial 'offense', no one should be surprised at what they're doing to Kyle Rittenhouse for the crime of being a white male who used a weapon to defend himself -- this is probably what (((they))) fear and want to preemptively crush: white self-defense and vigilantism.

Anonymous said...

For anarcho-tyranny to work, Whites must be discouraged from defending themselves. Then the police and leftist prosecutors can let blacks rule the streets. Whites will be faced with the choice of letting black criminals prey on them, or defending themselves and going to prison where they will be meat for the black criminals there. It is critical for our future that heroes like Rittenhouse are exonerated. He is a role model for Whites across the country. Of course leftists are well aware of this.

Anonymous said...

Disagree or impede the party line and your attitude is noticed with consequences.

"Your attitude is noticed Zhivago, OH YES, it is noticed!"