Sunday, July 11, 2021

Video: When the Biden Administration Knocks on Your Door

By An Old Friend
Sat, Jul 10, 2021 4:13 p.m.

Excellent video by the great J.P. Sears ... less than three minutes:


Anonymous said...

At some point,transgender SCOTUS chief,Josephine Roberts will issue an emergency decision that permits court injunctions to force door to door jabs.

Then it won't be so funny--and yes--confiscation of guns thrown in by our "conservative" Supreme Court.


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile there is little publication of fully vaccinated people getting sick. The same site where the above video is located has a video of 20 something people full vaccinated, getting Wuhan in a nursing home. There are reports that vaccinated people in Britain and Israel are getting most of the new cases of Wuhan. Considering that in some places over 70% have been "vaccinated" and many many have recovered and have natural immunity, herd immunity should have long been established. The fact that people are still getting sick makes the CDC claims that it is unvaccinated people getting sick is doubtful. Interesting that in almost every country a spike in cases has followed beginning of vaccination programs. And why does Stix not publish these reports--such as most people getting sick in Britain HAVING been vaccinated?

Anonymous said...

And masks mean little if anything.