Monday, July 12, 2021

The Nig Who Stole Christmas (in July)

[Re: “Raceless, Young Boy Victimized by Raceless Bandit, as NYC Crime Wave Continues.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 1:39:00 A.M. EDT

The Nig Who Stole Christmas (in July)
Narrated by Boris Karloff

The morning was bright in the six-year-old’s eye
Almost as bright as the sun in July,
Just six months ago, the gift he received,
Had made his eyes wide, and made his heart fly.

When the snow finally melted,
And could finally debuter--
The wonderful gift--
His very own scooter.

He drove it around, to places in town,
He’d drive up the street and drive it back down,
The fun that he’d have,
With nary a frown.

But one day it ended--it ended quite big,
His scooter was stolen,
Not by cat, dog, or pig,
It was taken from him, by a damn lowly nig.

It might yet get found--it’s somewhere around, But the damage is done, and so is his fun,
So the only thing left, the question is WHY?
Why would a nig, steal Christmas in July?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Black Santa don't bring no presents Willis. Black Santa comes to take the presents Willis."