Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Jaryan Elliott Story: A black, 13-Year-Old Street Thug and Gang-Banger was Cut Down Way too Early; He Had so Many More Girls to Rape and Impregnate, and People to Rob, Maim, and Murder

[Re: “Raceless Gang Boy, 13, Shot to Death in Bronx in Planned, Disciplined Hit.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, July 12, 2021 at 7:24:00 P.M. EDT

“Sources said Elliot had six arrests and two sealed busts — including for assault, robbery, burglary and criminal mischief."

GRA: It was either get killed, or he would have killed many thugs, plus innocent Whites (cops and/or civilians) in the next few years. blacks are 100% in favor of this lifestyle. With limited IQs, it beats going to school and working.

-G R A


Anonymous said...

Much potential unrealized--GOOD!


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Not even to mention the penultimate for a negro career criminal: Get yourself killed by cops and become a martyr idolized by millions and enable your family to win the ghetto lottery, therefore providing for them even after you're gone.