Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Systemic Racism and Housing Prices in White Neighborhoods

By Anonymous

July 4, 2021 at 10:56 pm GMT • 1.5 days ago


Steve Sailer’s blog

The reason white housing is expensive is because whites are looking for enclaves where they can be protected from black criminal predation. Because the houses in these enclaves have a high demand for them, their price shoots up. But it’s not whites who cause white housing to be so expensive.


They ONLY do it because THEY’RE FORCED TO. What would you rather pay? 50K for nice house, or a million for the same house?

It’s violent black attacks on whites, which cause whites to flee, which causes safe housing located away from ghettos to be so expensive and in so much demand.

Blacks MAKE housing expensive for whites. It’s not whites that do it. Blacks and hideous black behavior causes massive price distortions in the housing markets. Plenty of whites would live in those cheap, inner-city houses–if the black neighborhoods those houses are in weren’t wildly unsafe due to black predation of whites. Those ghetto houses used to belong to whites in the early part of the 20th century anyway. It was black crime that destroyed their value.


Anonymous said...

It's getting so bad and the "safe housing" areas--as they are basically being described(accurately)--is dwindling down to such "endangered species" numbers,that the rich,like Bezos,Musk and Branson want to leave the planet.They'd like to build fully oxygenated mansions on Mars and let the rest of us deplorables battle it out to see who controls the planet Earth.When it's safe,they'd come back--almost biblically(lol).

These flights are nascent previews of what their 5 to 10 year goals are.I actually don't blame them for wanting to escape the increasing volatility and chaos here.It can only get worse--much worse.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
It all circles back to diversity and immigration. As Whites move out farther away from crime, there is financial assistance from the government and private assistance programs to blacks and immigrants so they can buy those more expensive houses, plus low cost housing projects that bring them into proximity with White areas (exactly what's happening to my parents dream retirement home) then neighborhoods start to deteriorate as Whites move farther out. This drives new construction and new development which is one of the primary drivers of a growing economy and of course, positively impacts the stock market and the speculative wealth billionaires. This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for population growth driven by mass migration, those people drive "growth" but it's an ultimately destructive growth.