Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Supremacists for Chanel Lewis Rally in Queens, Demanding DA Melinda Katz Grant Karina Vetrano Killer a Free Murder

By A Longtime Reader

Tue, Jul 13, 2021 7:50 p.m.

(N.S.: Sorry, ALR, but I just found this.)

Supremacists for Chanel Lewis Rally in Queens, Demanding DA Katz Grant Karina Vetrano Killer a Free Murder

Southeast Queens black mafia and Clown Posse - along with obligatory white tattooed soyboys and hysterical woke harpies - smell blood in the water, with election of Farrakhan supporter Eric Adams next NYC mayor just around the corner a foregone conclusion.

The ultimate goal is to legally ensure 'free murders' for any black convicted of killing a white, no matter how open and shut the case is, no matter how vicious the murder - as in the conviction of "mentally disabled" Chanel Lewis of Howard Beach jogger Katrina Vetrano.

He was so 'mentally disabled' (and pornography obsessed) that he was using his computer/smart phone for weeks, personally casing the jogging paths along the overgrown wild outskirts of Howard Beach as the perfect location for a rape.

When Karina Vetrano fought for her honor and her life, this animal - by his own confession - 'went berserk:  nothing enrages an attacking black like his victim (especially white) having the temerity to fight back:  that's an offense answerable only by death.

All her teeth were knocked down her throat, and when these photos were shown in court, her mother and other family members had to flee the room.

There was also plenty of DNA found under her fingernails - what was left of them after her vicious struggle to survive - that provided the ironclad evidence for conviction.

Months of expert detective work led to the discovery of prior Lewis summonses, that when followed-up, led to "Chanel," his DNA - and a complete, voluntary and unforced confession - anyone can watch the video.  The money quote is here:

"Mike Thomas, a community advocate (sic) and retired law enforcement officer (sic) believes Lewis' race played a deciding factor in the conviction (of course he does, a 'belief' for which there is ZERO evidence)."

"He began his speech by stating that his heart goes out to both Karina Vetrano's family and the Lewis family who have both been under turmoil due to this case."

(The greatest lie ever told, but repeated so often as to be nauseating: equating the murder of a young woman with the deserved conviction of her killer - who still has his life and won't spend more than ~ 20 yrs - if that - in any NY State jail).

Far less, if the prevailing political winds in NYC continue to blow their way.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Unlike Mollie Tibbet's parents and family, Karina's aren't defending her killer. Her mother calls the killer a "Weak, pathetic piece of trash":
I would have used stronger language than that but at least the parents have the dignity and honor to not use their daughters murder as a chance to virtue signal to the world what "anti racists" they are.

David In TN said...

The Oxygen Channel has a very good show on the Karina Vetrano murder. It's on at 6 a.m. ET Wednesday Morning. The program is New York Homicide, which has been on the Oxygen Channel for a year or so. This show has New York City crime as it really is, the perps are mostly nonwhite.

The group trying to get the killer off are still at it, led by Ron Kuby. They claim a "racial dragnet." They don't think it's fair to nail a black murder suspect by DNA.

Here ( is a NY Post story from two months ago debunking Kuby and his allies in the press.