Thursday, July 08, 2021

Read How Mollie Tibbets’ Aunt Tries to Elicit Sympathy for Her Cold-Blooded, Illegal Alien Killer (and Rapist or Would-be Rapist), Poor Christhian Bahena Rivera

War crime victim, Mollie Tibbets

[Re: “ACLU Corruption Revealed.”]

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 4:52:00 P.M. EDT

Speaking of Mollie Tibbets, read how Mollie’s Aunt tries to elicit sympathy for her cold-blooded, illegal alien murderer and possible (would-be) rapist, poor Cristhian Bahena Rivera:

It’s beyond disgusting but one of the cardinal rules of Wokism is that White females’ rights to live and not be sexually assaulted are less important than the rights of non-White killers or rapists. It’s a fundamental rule that has become encoded in our culture since Emmett Till.

By the way, check out the photo of Rivera and tell me he doesn’t have negro blood in him.

N.S.: I'm glad you brought up Emmett Till, Jerry, because he figures hugely in all of this.

War criminal, Cristhian Bahena Rivera


Anonymous said...

I've theorized why Whites have seemed to have become disinterested in seeking justice for the murders of their family members. Now I'm not referring to prison time for the guilty minority,but the more important idea,which is that a lack of blame seems to be the preferred attitude by media,politicos,lawyers--whoever--so that publicly displayed animous aimed toward black and brown killers of any White victim's family is squelched.

It's very possible(if not probable) many Whites are rightfully damn angry at the slaughters of their White sons,daughters,mothers and fathers,which occur on a regular basis,but the only news we're allowed to see are these sympathy spins--that's supposed to convince us,"tolerance toward our killers is what Whites should be striving for."

Don't worry,be happy--it'll all be over pretty soon--appears to be the advice that MSM is sending out to all of the Whites in this country.

And of course,if we refuse to agree with that bullcrap,we be racist(which I wish 200 million Whites were--this garbage would not be happening.)


Anonymous said...

Single wide trailers nice living space for the farm workers. Probably a lot better than what they got at home.