Thursday, July 08, 2021

black supremacist, American Pols Seek to Exploit Assassination of Haitian President Moïse, in Order to Pick White American Taxpayers' Pockets, to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 8, 2021 7:41 p.m.

Local Lawmakers Call for US Support for Haiti After Slaying of President Moïse

[cong. Frederica] Wilson is looking for the National Guard, other American assets, or an international military force to go into Haiti and stabilize the situation. She’s also calling for the U.S. to appoint a special envoy to Haiti.

R.C.: So, did the Biden administration assassinate him?

Gives Uncle Sam the pretext to practice neo-colonialism.

Or something.

Why not send in the Moors instead?


The White Man’s Burden.

Take up the White Man’s burden—

Send forth the best ye breed—

Go send your sons to exile,

To serve your captives' need,

To wait in heavy harness,

On fluttered folk and wild—

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haiti again. Don't try to reform the place and make it better. It just cannot be done.