Friday, July 02, 2021

Racist, Dallas D.A. is Issuing Free Murders

[“Has Justice been Abolished in Texas? black man Who Decapitated Houston Businessman Sentenced Only to Life Until Parole.”]

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 12:39:00 P.M. EDT

Guess who else is enjoying the benefits of diversity “justice”?

Yes, in the case of the illegal alien from Kenya and serial killer Billy Chemirmir, the DA will not pursue the death penalty. This from the article:

Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot announced that his office will not seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya who is accused of murdering 24 elderly Americans in Texas from April 2016 to 2018.

Instead, Creuzot said prosecutors will seek life in prison while only pursuing two of the 18 capital murder charges against Chemirmir should they win the cases. The other charges would be dismissed.

The dallas morning news reports:

In a statement, Creuzot’s office said he spoke with victims’ families last month and explained that he hoped to secure convictions against Chemirmir in two jury trials, each with an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole, and ask a judge to order that those sentences be served consecutively. [Emphasis added.]

“In effect, there will be no chance for Mr. Chemirmir to die anywhere except in a Texas prison,” the DA’s office said. [Emphasis added.] …

“[The death penalty] something that’s being turned away from,” Creuzot told the families. “Society is less accepting of it.” [Emphasis added.]

Wait...DA Creuzot says “society” is less accepting of it...Are you speaking for me, Mr. Creuzot? What society? Oh, you mean Woke society? I’m not a member of Woke society Mr. Creuzot, you don’t speak for me. The arrogance of these justice system mopes is unbelievable, I actually got into an online debate recently with a former DA and his arguments were idiotic and childish, all he really had was name calling.

With a name like Creuzot, I assumed the DA was White, but for the heck of it I looked up his photo, and guess what? He’s black. Should have known, his loyalty is more to his race than actual justice. Who cares about a bunch of White old ladies anyways, he certainly doesn't. Here is his photo:

"black" Dallas DA John Creuzot: quadroon or octoroon?

Also, what is not being mentioned is that all of Chemirmir’s victims, with the exception of one, were women. His targeting of elderly females shows there was more here than financial gain, and one has to wonder if he didn’t sexually assault some of these women, but investigators don’t want to make him seem worse than he is. Undoubtedly, that’s because he is black and an immigrant. If he were a White citizen, they’d be looking to make him look even worse, and pump up the numbers of his victims. Here is a list of his victims:

83-year-old Leah Corken
82-year-old Juanita Purdy
88-year-old Mary Brooks
84-year-old Minnie Campbell
82-year-old Ann Conklin
75-year-old Rosemary Curtis
85-year-old Norma French
92-year-old Doris Gleason
81-year-old Lu Thi Harris
81-year-old Carolyn MacPhee
81-year-old Miriam Nelson
91-year-old Phyllis Payne
94-year-old Phoebe Perry
80-year-old Martha Williams
82-year-old Joyce Abramowitz
87-year-old Glenna Day
89-year-old Solomon Spring
90-year-old Doris Wasserman
86-year-old Margaret White
79-year-old Diana Delahunty
93-year-old Mamie Dell Miya
86-year-old Catherine Probst Sinclair
90-year-old Marilyn Bixler
An 81-year-old “Jane Doe”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a conviction over-turned on appeal and the other murder charges dismissed, then what?? A very bad idea.