Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Racist, black Drama Queen and Crybully, Cornel West, Dramatically Resigns from Harvard after being Denied Tenure, and Plays--What Else?--the race card

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 13, 2021 9:32 p.m.

Professor Cornel West dramatically resigns from Harvard after being denied tenure and says the "shadow of Jim Crow" in the form of "superficial diversity" persists at the Ivy League school

N.S.: Shortly after returning home from West Germany in 1985, I saw a TV interview with West. Every concept he mentioned, he'd gotten from Frankfurt School guru Jürgen Habermas. However, West gave no credit to Habermas. That not only made West a plagiarist, but plagiarist to a hack.


Anonymous said...

Not Cornel West--Whitman Mayo--in his finest performance since Grady on "Sanford and Son".
If you immerse yourself into a role,as the great actors like Nicholson,Pacino,DeNiro and Whitman Mayo do,you can't separate the actor from the character.

Mayo's reviews are eye opening.

"Brilliant portrayal of a know-it-all,racist black by Mayo.Deserving of some kind of yet to be invented award."
--TV Guide

"If you liked him as Grady,you'll love him as the White hating West.They could be twins."
--Demond Wilson(Lamont,from "Sanford and Son")

"Portraying West at appearances on FOX,CNN and elsewhere,was concept acting taken to a new level.While the REAL West sat at home all these years,Mayo pretended to be West--and no one ever knew until now.Kudos,Mr.Mayo."

--Rex Reed

"In spite of the rumor of being dead for 20 years,Mayo is obviously not--and in fine form as Cornel West.A true acting miracle."

--Coroner's Inquest Monthly Magazine.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Been married 4 times, 3 white, 1 Hispanic. Apparently, doesn't care much for the sistahs.