Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Oregon Authorities and msm Conspire to Foment Explosion in Hate Crime Hoaxes

By Jerry PDX
Monday, July 5, 2021 at 3:35:00 P.M. EDT

Local media in cahoots with government promotes the reporting of fake hate crimes with a “bias hotline”: https://www.lagrandeobserver.com/news/state/more-than-1-000-hate-and-bias-crimes-reported-to-oregon-hotline-last-year/article_874ae25e-dcf5-11eb-9a0c-87784ceaf243.html

This article, of course, got major reporting on all local papers and news stations, but if you actually read the article thoroughly, and read between the lines, the typical deceptions are all there. Supposedly reports of bias incidents rose 134% in the 2nd half of 2021 but keep in mind, this hotline was established in 2020 so you have to consider that awareness the hotline exists is something that is growing. I can only imagine how many more calls they will get now that it has been given such heavy media coverage.

I could go on for paragraphs picking this thing apart but don’t really have the patience right now, but I will say this: A hotline is not evidence of a bias crime, only that somebody is making a claim about a bias crime. It has to be proven. However, the hotline is being treated as evidence there is an increasing wave of bias crimes. Also, around half of these reported bias crimes are directly related to demonstrations, not random incidents on the street. That tells us that at least half the people are likely politically motivated to claim some kind of bias.

One of the first things antifa or blm activists do is claim somebody said something racist toward them, or they heard somebody say something. Most of the time, they are lying.


Anonymous said...

blacks don't need an excuse to be violent and misanthropic--it's natural.I remain 100% stupefied by the excuses Whites in media make for black behavior,their failure to cover it and call that behavior out as not only unacceptable,but worthy of massive punishment.

New saying:Spare the rod,spoil the nig*er.
And they ARE spoiled.

Anonymous said...

"However, the hotline is being treated as evidence there is an increasing wave of bias crimes."

And NEVER are the number of incidents DOWN. Always UP.