Friday, July 02, 2021

One of Biden/Harris' sons Attacked a Woman in Broad Daylight on a NY City Street

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 5:36:00 P.M. EDT

One of Biden/Harris' sons Attacked a Woman in Broad Daylight on a NY City Street:

Wonder if he came over in the wave of criminals ushered in by the new administration?



Anonymous said...

Rape is in his future--he should be arrested before that--but no jail time.Then the rapes begin.


Anonymous said...

Been going on for a long time. Just that the bad guys are more emboldened now.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
This from Breitbart: Media Matters for America, a George Soros-funded organization that attempts to censor conservative media, complained Thursday that Andrew Breitbart’s original 2012 attack on Critical Race Theory “appears to be working,” nine years later.

I've got a message for Soros and Media Matters for America - That was the whole idea, to reveal "Criminal Race Theory" for the corrupt, racist & venal philosophy it is, and delegitimize it. Their reaction suggests there is positive progress in the information and culture war.

BTW I didn't come up with "Criminal" Race Theory, a reader did in the comments, it was just too appropriate, so I borrowed it.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
FX is going to release a series based on "Alien" that is going to explore the consequences of inequality and failure to spread the wealth:
I've just got to comment on this because I loved the Alien movies so much, at least the first few films, afterwards it got sketchy but this series is probably going to further tarnish the legacy of the franchise.
First off, don't these Hollywood dopes realize that one of the reasons the series was so successful was because it already had an underlying message of inequality, one of blue collar folks being pawns of an anonymous, monolithic "Corporation" that didn't care a whit about the lives of regular people. The Corp. only cared about getting it's hands on an exotic alien species that could be used to maximize profits. Thing is, the message was written between the lines, it's not hit over your head with a sledgehammer, if you do that, then it rings a false note and detracts from the realism of the story. True talented writers and producers understand that, hacks do not, and unfortunately, those Woke hacks are becoming the dominant force in the entertainment industry.

These "Wokesters" have decided that we are too stupid to pick up on an underlying message and that the political message was too universal, too equal. It didn't matter that non Whites were soldiers, citizens or other expendables along with Whites, they must be the focus of discrimination and Whites must be the perpetrators. This is going to be like Star Trek. As the PC virtue signalling ratchets up, the quality of the show goes down. The most recent iterations of the Star Trek TV series & movie franchise were the ultimate product of that philosophy, shows that thinks politically correct grandstanding in itself is entertaining, ignoring that the scripts are completely lacking in true drama, humor or excitement. Just a big overproduced advertisement for "fake discrimination" and "diversity".

I'll probably give FX Alien series a chance in the faint hopes that somehow a quality product still gets made, but I won't hold my breath.