Monday, July 12, 2021

NYC School's Faculty Rebels against Principal Who "Conspired to Get Rid of White Teachers" and Who "Definitely Has Something against White People"

By R.C.
Sun, Jul 11, 2021 2:28 p.m.

NYC School's Faculty Rebels against Principal Who "Conspired to Get Rid of White Teachers" and Who "Definitely Has Something against White People"


Anonymous said...

You want racism?Put a black in charge of something.I encountered it for 10 years at my job,until the nig--with his White girlfriend--were caught in a clock ring scam and forced to "retire early".

The only difference between a street thug black and a black supervisor is this:the supervisor's weapon of choice is not a gun,but power.Same result--lives are messed with--and in some cases--ruined.

I fought against black racism until the scumbag was fired.I only hope it doesn't take 10 years to fire this female,black racist.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
You must have seen the headlines about billionaires in space, Richard Branson is the latest when he spent a few minute at the outer edges of the atmosphere. I'd certainly heard about Branson and his "exploits" but didn't really know where he was on the subject of immigration. I checked it out and discovered this:
Yup, Branson is a mass migration zealot to the point he believes the US and Europe should supply a basic free income to any and all migrants, funded by our taxes of course. And they say the man has journeyed to space, no, he was already there.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
London's population will boom to 10 million by 2029, the article says the increase is "partly" due to immigration, that's not true, like all the 1st world, it's strictly due to mass migration from the 3rd world:
That estimate doesn't include illegal immigrants which could inflate numbers even more.

This from the article:

"The Conservative government is preparing to welcome even higher levels of migration after Britain leaves the EU. The Immigration White Paper which revealed these changes has been criticised as “shocking”, and a move that runs “completely against the current of public opinion and which are likely to result in even more massive levels of immigration” by pressure group Migration Watch".

The "Conservative government"? If the conservative government is that welcoming to migrants, I'd hate to see what the liberal one is capable of. And what happened to Brexit anyways? Wasn't that supposed to put an end to this mass invasion? Looks like it's business as usual for the globalist population increase agenda regardless of what the people voted for.

Anonymous said...

Jerry pdx,only civil war in each of the countries being overrun by immigrants,will change ANYTHING for the better.

I wrote elsewhere on NSU,politicians only pay attention to(or more accurately,fear)violence and riots--but not a one day wonder like January 6th.If we'd followed up with a few more days like Jan 6th,they'd have started noticing our point of view.

Until Whites fight for ourselves--they won't fight for us either.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Why do I have the feeling this Paula Lev is married to a white man? Maybe I'm wrong but his name is Benjamin Lev which sounds kinda white to me. I couldn't find any photos online of him, at least none that I could identify as her husband and I saw no photos of anybody with the name of Lev that were also black.
I just wonder if she's another racist black woman with a taste for white meat, like Kamala, Ilhan Omar and Serena Williams. I know that most black men with white wives are racist and find myself more and more assuming the same about black women. I dunno, that's me, I wonder about odd stuff like that. This thing about blacks having a sexual fixation on what they hate is one strange psychosis.

Anonymous said...

Lesta Holt has a White wife and is as anti-White and pro-black as is possible.I've mentioned the same theory a few times here--that black men want a White women for purely sadistic reasons.What better way to release your hate of Whites than to torture one mentally and/or physically every day.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Makes me wonder. Who suffers more? White women with black men or vice versa? I suppose the assumption is white women but I'm not so sure, judging from what I've seen, most white men with black wives suffer plenty and then there's marrying something like Serena...Having to feel that body against you every night would be torture enough for anyone.