Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Is Independence Day Now White Genocide Day, or Does that Title Apply to Every Day in America?

[“Mark Steyn on ‘America, the Beautiful.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, July 5, 2021 at 9:08:00 A.M. EDT

The only refrain I heard all weekend has been how July 4th/Independence Day is, “a White holiday.”

The goal of the left is clear--everyone here knows it--this weekend made it “perfectly clear.”

There was a story dropped into my mailbox this morning about Henry Winkler asserting that, “[T]he only way for America to stop being divided, is to suffer a cataclysmic event.”

9/11 did that for approximately a week--and it vanished.

Part of the fox news story included responses by leftists that disagreed with Winkler, saying, “We’ve suffered through a year of Covid--and we are still divided.”

But that months-long Covid lockdown was brought on us by self- serving commie politicians, trying to oust Trump--not a foreign power, attacking our country--as what occurred on September 11th, 2001.

The comments section of fox news was full of Winkler supporters, but I didn’t read anything blaming our division in the country on the decreasing White demographics and the push to elevate blacks to levels of incompetence (quoting “the Peter Principle”) that are quickly being attained in government jobs, such as mayor, police chief, or city manager--not to mention, private sector affirmative action management jobs.

blacks are being pushed into positions they will never be ready for, or successful at. The IQ of a negro allows him only to complain about Whites and “White holidays being racist.” I believe Maxine Waters even jumped on that particular bandwagon.

To see blacks attempt to do what Whites have done for two centuries in the U.S. is like watching a child attempt to build a house or fix a car. They’re not capable--and blacks, unlike White kids--will never grow up.


N.S.: I believe it was on Memorial Day, 2011, that Matt Drudge posted links to violent, organized black attacks on Whites celebrating the holiday.

White, racial socialist propagandists charged Drudge with “racism,” and tried to get him fired, only to realize that he had no boss.

As I wrote in 2012, though not for the first time,
More recently, the racist MSM has upped the ante to getting writers fired and seeking to destroy their lives, in retaliation for them, er, reporting on black racist violence.

Leftwing bloggers Alex Pareene (Salon), John Cook (Gawker), and Kyle Munzenrieder (Miami New Times), all tried to get Matt Drudge fired merely for linking to stories from around the country on the black racist lynch mob attacks on whites on Memorial Day, 2011, forgetting that Drudge doesn’t have a boss to fire him.

[Postscript, 2021: One of the aforementioned, genocidal racists complained, in the sort of non sequitur logic to which we’ve since grown accustomed, that since crime was supposedly down nationally, Drudge had no right to link to stories of black-on-White crime.]

At the same time, Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould W. Kern and columnist and self-proclaimed libertarian editorial board member Steve Chapman responded to readers who had complained about their cover-up of an entire year’s-worth of black-on-white racial attacks, by firing them.

More recently, leftwing and allegedly rightwing bloggers joined forces to get John Derbyshire fired from National Review, for failing to maintain silence about, and/or lie about black racist violence.

In a 2008 case of the MSM celebrating racist black-on-white violence, a New York Times operative was beside himself with glee, over black Curtis Lavelle Vance’s savage, racist, rape-murder of white TV news reader, Anne Pressly. Oddly enough, the Times ran the piece unsigned.

[N.S.:] But when the New York Times reported on Vance's arrest in an unsigned article, it went beyond its 62-year-old tradition of shielding black criminals. It not only left out any mention or running any photographs indicating that Vance was black, but (in a display of the compassion for which it is so justly famous) positively gloated about the crime:

“The beating [sic] startled much of the state and horrified Ms. Pressly’s neighbors in the prestigious Pulaski Heights neighborhood, an enclave of old houses, and where residents considered themselves essentially exempt from violent crime.” [“Arrest in Killing of a TV Anchor,” by The New York Times, November 27, 2008.]

[Postscript, 2021:] Curtis Lavelle Vance did not “beat” Anne Pressley. He savagely raped and murdered her, using a 2X4 that left her jawbone sticking through her flesh, such that her own mother could not recognize her.

In a further racist outrage, black jurors in Vance’s murder trial refused to mete out justice on Anne Pressley’s behalf. They merely sentenced him to life until parole.

In another trial of Vance for raping another White woman, whom he did not murder, presumably because she (following his orders) did not resist him, or look back at his face, the jury gave the racist monster all free crimes (breaking-and-entering, robbery, forcible rape, making terrorist threats...).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“We’ve suffered through a year of Covid--and we are still divided.”

As if before Covid we were united!!