Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Is England “a Nation of Immigrants”?

By Jerry PDX
Monday, July 12, 2021 at 2:42:00 P.M. EDT

London’s population will boom to 10 million by 2029. The article says the increase is “partly” due to immigration. That’s not true; like all the First World, it’s strictly due to mass migration from the Third World:


That estimate doesn’t include illegal immigrants, which could inflate numbers even more.

This from the article:

“The Conservative government is preparing to welcome even higher levels of migration after Britain leaves the EU. The Immigration White Paper which revealed these changes has been criticised as ‘shocking,’ and a move that runs ‘completely against the current of public opinion and which are likely to result in even more massive levels of immigration’ by pressure group Migration Watch.”

The “Conservative government”? If the conservative government is that welcoming to migrants, I’d hate to see what the liberal one is capable of. And what happened to Brexit anyway? Wasn’t that supposed to put an end to this mass invasion? Looks like it’s business as usual for the globalist population-increase agenda, regardless of what the people voted for.

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