Monday, July 12, 2021

Breaking News Alert: Lightning Strike Kills 18 Selfie-Takers on Tourist Tower in Jaipur

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 12, 2021 10:17 a.m.

Breaking: Lightning Strike Kills 18 Selfie Takers on Tourist Tower in Jaipur

New York Post - News Alerts

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More than a dozen tourists killed by bolt of lightning that struck tower popular with selfie-takers
A lightning strike killed 18 people Sunday when a bolt blasted a watch tower where tourists were...
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Anonymous said...

To paraphrase George Carlin:"In today's news,In a freak accident,18 freaks were killed when lightning struck the tower they were standing on..."


Anonymous said...

Darwin Award winners. Ever hear anyone advise you to go stand on a high place during a storm? And besides this event, how many times have we read about people dying while doing something stupid to take a selfie?

Anonymous said...

Unheard of. Chances of you being hit and killed by lightning about one in three million.