Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Breaking News Alert: The Dirtbike Gang (Not "Group"!) Strikes Again; Man Shot Four Times in Head during Bronx Carjacking

From: New York Post <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2021 10:23 a.m.

Breaking: Man shot four times in the head during violent Bronx carjacking: NYPD

new york post P.C. Watch: Note that whoever wrote the teaser below, changed "gang" to "group."

New York Post - News Alerts
A man miraculously survived after a group of gunmen on dirt bikes shot him four times in the head during a Bronx carjacking early Wednesday, cops said.
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Man shot in head four times during violent Bronx carjacking — and somehow survives
A man miraculously survived after a group [gang!] of gunmen on dirt bikes shot him four times in the head during a Bronx carjacking early Wednesday, cops said.
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Anonymous said...

Gangs reward their members with perks,based on performance.

Thug reward guide:
One shot in the head--choice of a bag of weed or carton of Menthol cigarettes.

Two shots in the head--the shooter is permitted to borrow the gang car for a day

Three shots in the head--sex with the gang leader's White ho.

Four shots in the head--too many--the shooter gets his head blown off(bullets aren't cheap,nigga.)

Anonymous said...


GRA:With that logic,murder,rape and armed robbery will be decriminalized too--since blacks commit those crimes disproportionately too--compared to Whites.Don't worry,Dems are probably working on that too.

(USA Today)Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., plans to introduce legislation that would decriminalize marijuana on a federal level.

The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, a draft bill by Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Schumer would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act, allowing pot to be regulated and taxed.

Thirty-seven states have already decriminalized the substance, and 18 of those states have fully legalized it. Most Americans support the legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use.

Schumer's push to decriminalize the substance on a federal level marks how far the conversation on criminal justice reform has come.

"This is monumental," Schumer said Wednesday in a news conference announcing the legislation. "At long last, we are taking steps in the Senate to right the wrongs of the failed war on drugs."

The legislation would not only decriminalize marijuana but also expunge nonviolent marijuana-related arrests and convictions from federal records.

It also would allocate new tax revenue, which would come from marijuana sales, to pay for restorative justice programs as ways to address the consequences the war on drugs had on communities, according to the draft bill.

“By ending the failed federal prohibition of cannabis the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act will ensure that Americans especially black and brown Americans no longer have to fear arrest or be barred from public housing or federal financial aid for higher education for using cannabis in states where it's legal,” a release accompanying the bill said.