Friday, July 02, 2021

Boy Scouts Reportedly Have Lost 2 Million Members Since Their Embrace of Homosexuality

By "W"
Fri, Jul 2, 2021 4:03 p.m.

Boy Scouts Reportedly Have Lost 2 Million Members...



Anonymous said...

Just change the name to Nambla and make it official.Cut the b.s.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the Boy Scouts provide valuable training for the future--when the kid is in prison: don't sleep on your stomach, never bend over to pick up the soap, and hoard objects that can be sharpened to make improvised weapons. And don't forget to join a vicious gang that will watch your back in prison. Wonder if they have a merit badge of this now?
Seriously, when there already was a homosexual rape problem in this organization, why would they embrace homosexuality? Could it be that they thought the perverts would provide protection from sex abuse lawsuits?