Friday, July 02, 2021

Benefits, What Benefits?! New Study Found "This Lack of Clear Benefit Should Cause Governments to Rethink Their Vaccination Policy"

By Jesse Mossman
Wed, Jun 30, 2021 7:10 p.m.

Rethink Vaccination Policy

The Swiss journal Vaccines published a study finding that :

    "Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. Conclusions: This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy"

    Of course readers must understand that the current very slight advantage given by the vaccine does not take into account the unknown long term serious side effects and deaths from the so-called "vaccines." If the serious medical problems which some doctors and scientists think may arise in the years following vaccination do occur, vaccine benefits will go negative and the devastation caused will be horrendous.

    However, even then, there will no doubt be major efforts to cover up these side effects--including deaths. Bear in mind that it took 5 years before the truth about thalidomide started to come out. Of course the manufacturer said that suspicions were "unproven speculation"--sound familiar?

    "Most of the babies were born with deformities of the arms and/or legs (phocomelia). Additional injuries to the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs, ears and eyes were sometimes not discovered until decades later

"Some doctors suspected that thalidomide, a popular remedy for insomnia, headaches, 'tension' and nausea, caused the birth defects. Unfortunately, the drug manufacturer, Chemie Gruenthal...rejected the doctors' suspicions as unproven speculation."

    The two deaths from the vaccine versus three from the virus does not take into account the current effort to "vaccinate" younger and younger children--people who are at extremely little risk from the virus itself. For young people and children it may well be that the greatest threat to their health is the "vaccine" itself.

    Gullible people inclined to believe the propaganda that children should be given the experimental biological agent called a "vaccine" should watch the heartbreaking testimony of a mother whose previously healthy 12-year-old daughter ended up in a wheelchair after receiving the second "vaccine" shot.

For those who say the benefits are worth the risks, we must ask, "What benefits?" From the start it has been apparent that this disease targets the old and those with existing health problems--not the young and healthy--and certainly not children.

(Tearful mother with vaccine-injured daughter at Senator Ron Johnson's press conference)



Anonymous said...

None for me yet.No plans to get one for a few months.


Anonymous said...

"Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations."

For the smallpox vaccine you will have one person in a million die from a heart attack. Covid virus vaccine rushed in record time without full five year clinical trials.

Anonymous said...

Just read about a 12-year-old boy dead after the vaxx. CDC is supposed to be investigating, but of course still claims that the BENEFITS outweigh the risks. Some reporter with balls needs to get in their face and demand "WHAT BENEFITS!" The kid was not at risk from dying of Wuhan Virus, but now his life is over--some "benefit." In reality the benefits are to those making billions pushing this dangerous crap. All the government officials and doctors going along should be held accountable. And as Tucker asked, "who would trust the CDC?" We have become a nation of sheep to accept this. When your doctor tells you to get your kid vaccinated, tell him, "How dare you!" These doctors should all be sued into oblivion for malpractice.