Friday, July 09, 2021

Andrew Breitbart Revealed "Obama's" Ties to critical race theory 9 Years Ago

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 8, 2021 7:35 p.m.

The Federalist: Andrew Breitbart Revealed Obama's Ties to Critical Race Theory 9 Years Ago

Andrew Breitbart revealed the links between then-President Barack Obama and Critical Race Theory, but the media tried to bury the story.

N.S.: What's the difference between "black liberation theology" and "critical race theory"? They're both just ways to express black supremacists' genocidal hatred of Whites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between "critical race theory" and "critical race facts"?

Here are some "Critical Race Facts"
1)I'd rather live in a White neighborhood than a black neighborhood.
2)Between 50 and 75% of people in your city's daily mugshots are black.
3)blacks will eff up your order at a fast food place 10 times as much as Whites--and you have to wait much longer to get what you DIDN'T order.
4)blacks don't believe in following the law.
5)blacks don't believe in being punished for breaking the law.

That's for starters--enough facts for today.