Friday, July 09, 2021

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 8, 2021 11:53 p.m.

Afghanistan and the CIA Heroin Ratline

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There are many in the government of Mexico who believe the C.I.A. controls the illicit drug trade between the U.S. and Mexico.

Top-level Mexican officials have suggested complicity by U.S. officials in drug trafficking as well — even recently. “It is impossible to pass tons of drugs or cocaine to U.S. without some grade of complicity of some American authorities,” observed Mexican President Felipe Calderon in a 2009 interview with the BBC.


Anonymous said...

Joshua Tree NP the Mex gangs from LA shoot the place up, their gang signs everywhere, etc. National parks are a whitey man thang don't you know.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Your recent article about the Sierra club alerted me to David Gelbaum. I had heard of him and knew he had made a fortune manipulating data on the stock market but was not really that familiar with his story. Here is more info re his association with the Sierra Club:

He died in 2018 but interestingly, I can't find one online reference to how he died, or even anybody asking how he died. Even Wiki has no cause of death listed. He was only 68 yrs. old when he died which is relatively young, especially for a billionaire with access to the best medical care in the world, but like Paul Allen, billions of dollars aren't always enough to save you when the time comes.
I have to wonder if he had people deliberately deleting information online to keep his cause of death secret. It might be evidence that you can erase information on the internet, which seems impossible but I can't believe somebody this well known would not have a cause of death listed, or even speculation about why he died, on the internet somewhere. Why he doesn't want his cause of death known, I have no idea, he certainly wouldn't care after he was dead but who knows what kind of psychological quirks the guy had.

What is clear with him is that he was the quintessential speculative wealth billionaire. Like Zuckerberg, Gates, Soros et al his fortune is tied to the stock market and therefore needs a healthy supply of cheap labor flowing into the US to keep getting richer. But in the case of Gelbaum he was much more publicly active in pushing environmental causes than they were, but when I look at the list of things he did, I can't see much that really seems substantial in the sense that he really cared about the long term environmental future of the country, which aligns pretty much with all the ultra wealthy "environmental activists".

One thing he donated to was programs to expose inner city youth to the wilderness. "His $101 million secret donation to the Sierra Club was to expand its Youth in Wilderness programs and other club activities". I have to wonder how many "inner city youth" discovered the wilderness is a great place to cook meth or hide bodies.

He also donated 250 million to Wildlands Conservancy which helped preserve 1200 square miles of wilderness in California. Ok, that's all very fine but if I had him in front of me I'd ask him this: How many square miles of land do you think need to be developed in the US so the billion or so (mostly Muslim, West Asian or African) people living in the US by the year 3000 can have homes to live in?

Here is his Wiki entry, with not a peep about cause of death:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Books have been written about corruption in the CIA and it's involvement in drug smuggling. Here is one:
I was going to jokingly post something about how the CIA might as well get into the lucrative migrant smuggling business, but had second thoughts and did a little search online:
Two CIA agents were apprehended at the border not smuggling migrants but trying to cross with cocaine which seems risky and amateurish, after all, the cartels smuggle drugs using mules amongst the masses of migrants storming the border. I would think that the next logical step would be for the CIA to get into the migrant business in order to move their drugs. Or maybe these were two rogue idiots and the CIA is already doing it. I wouldn't be surprised at anything.