Sat, Jul 31, 2021 11:06 p.m.
4 Dead in 3 Separate Shootings in Prince George's County, Police Say
PGCE-P: Uh oh!
Appears to be violation of Steve Sailer’s Leaded Law.
By Nicholas Stix
As scrappy koala says, “When you don’t say the race, you say the race.”
Secretive black vigilante group, Forever Family, is Now Patrolling London’s Streets in Stab Vests. Who Exactly are They?
RT Op-Ed
Police Say Teen Shot at Off-Duty Officer at Dallas Gas Station
ATR: Used to be a nice area.
Used to be.
Then the sun went down.
Only never to return.
“Black Women Announce: We Tired”
Steve Sailer discusses this important matter at his blog.
Michael Levin (2000): “There are a few excellent black writers, but jumbles like this are all too typical of black intellectuals. What sort of disordered mind produces them? More urgently, how can whites — accustomed to language that communicates rather than wears down — deal with such minds? At the very least, whites must recognize that they face something fundamentally alien.”
(That was in Levin’s review of Randall Robinson’s book-length, reparations screed, The Debt.)
N.S. They’re not fundamentally alien to me, but then, neither is athlete’s foot.
A. Vorontzov
On July 29, 2015, Larry Eugene Brown was walking to a bus stop when he was robbed by teenagers. In the process, they beat him to death with a fire extinguisher. 16-year-old D'Angelo Matthews, 15-year-old Christopher Williams, and 14-year-old Ketrellia Harris came away from the encounter with a flashlight, a cell phone, and three dollars.
By Grand Rapids Anonymous, An Anonymous Anonymous, and Jerry PDX
[N.S.: I just ran across this triple item, while searching for a quote from my old logic teacher, Michael Levin. I seem to have forgotten about it at the time. Better late than never, I always say!]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 11:23:00 A.M. EDT
Atlanta Blackstar (objective—NOT) review of Tucker Carlson show, discussing James Baldwin:
A Black professor’s attempt to have a civil, mature conversation about race proved too much to handle for Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who launched into a full-on fit.
Dr. Ricky L. Jones, who pens opinion pieces for Louisville’s the Courier-Journal, stopped by Carlson’s show Monday to discuss his latest op-ed titled, “Was James Baldwin Right When He Called White Americans Moral Monsters?” It wasn’t long before the conversation flew off the rails.
“I’d encourage people to read the piece,” Jones, a professor of pan-African studies at the University of Louisville, said after Tucker accused him of pegging all white folks as moral monsters. “Actually, that was the conclusion of legendary writer James Baldwin after many years in America.”
[GRA: My conclusion is that Jones is a full-blown racist, like his hero, Baldwin.]
“I simply posed the question as to whether or not Baldwin was right when we place some of the behavior along lines of race into historical context,” he explained.
The answer didn’t satisfy Carlson, however, who tried to twist the argument by questioning if it’d be okay to describe Black people as moral monsters without being labeled a racist.
“Do you think one person’s race affects their moral standing?” he interjected before cherry-picking a quote from the piece describing whites as “brutally mean and inhumane.” “Aren’t these your words? Tell me what you meant by it.”
“I’m going to be patient with you. I’m going to be patient with you and let you ask and answer the questions you like to,” Jones replied, growing frustrated but remaining calm. “But we’ll run out of time, television is certainly a short platform. Again, I encourage —”
“You said it five times,” Carlson jumped in again. “Why don’t you answer my question, which is, would it be okay for me to write the sentence, ‘Why are black Americans so brutally mean and insensitive. If you would, please answer the question.”
“I’m answering the question,” Jones said. “The first thing that I would do, what I would not limit myself in a very myopic way to one sentence of a piece. I would endeavor to read the article?”
GRA: The latest liberal/communist strategy is to call people Nazis, fascists, and now “monsters,” either moral or immoral. Ricky Jones agrees with Baldwin 100%, no doubt, though he tried to pass himself off as an objective questioner. But that is just camouflage for the occasion of visiting Carlson. By calling white people, “monsters,” Jones (and others like him) give tacit approval to blacks, to KILL the monstrous whites.
And they do.
--GR Anonymous
By Anonymous (Not GRA)
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 12:17:00 P.M. EDT
Many negroes have a hard time understanding one another. That is why they say to one another all the time: “ya’ know what I’m saying?” Their diction, poor grammar, rapid fire manner of speech and slurring of words makes it hard for ANYONE to understand them.
They also assume that words and phrases they use all the time by themselves are understood by EVERYONE, when they are not.
“Alley apple” in some parts of Philadelphia means a brick fallen into the alley from a decaying, abandoned building. In New York City, that term might not even be understood at all.
By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 12:21:00 A.M. EDT
Here is a link to the video of Tucker Carlson interviewing “professor” Ricky Jones: [N.S.: The video is no longer available. Links here lead to Jones’ “things.”]
Notice that Jones refuses to answer directly any questions posed by Tucker. When he asks: If a white person asked if all black people were “moral monsters, would he be racist?,” it’s a legit question, because yes, as we all know, if a white media figure even implied something like that, in any context, he would be excoriated by the media, fired from his job and whitelisted.
Jones would never directly address the question, no matter how many times Carlson asked. He would attempt to launch into a 400-years-of-oppression diatribe every time, and Tucker understandably would shut him down because it had nothing to do with his point. Basically, Jones wanted to use the interview as a forum to lecture whitey on the history of racism. He, and other black supremacists, think that after they finish lecturing about evil whitey we’ll understand that anything modern black racists do is justified. It all be reparations, you know.
By Nicholas Stix
Contrary to a fox news “thing” published on July 25th, Emmett Till was not “lynched,” and his killers, Roy Bryant and his half-brother, J.W. Milam, did not murder him for “allegedly offending a White woman.” They also did not murder him for “whistling at a White woman,” the most popular and enduring whopper of the Till lies.
Another, more recent Till lie, has been the assertion that the White woman at the center of the case, Mrs. Carolyn Bryant, has since recanted her testimony in the trial of her husband, Roy, and J.W. Milam.
And I do not believe that Till’s face was mutilated by the beating Bryant and Milam dished out to him, as opposed to having been partially eaten by aquatic creatures during the three days in which his corpse lay submerged in the Tallahatchie River.
Till wasn’t “lynched,” because his murder was not pre-meditated, and was not a mob action.
Bryant and Milam had planned on beating Till to a pulp, and then extracting an apology from him for what he’d done to Mrs. Bryant. But Emmett Till was defiant. He refused to apologize.
He was his father’s son. Louis Till had been hanged by the U.S. Army of Occupation in Italy for being a convicted serial rapist and murderer. (Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a single rape was a capitol crime.)
negro men in our armed forces had gone hogwild, raping and murdering White women and other civilians in Italy and France, such that the vast majority of enlisted men executed for said crimes were black. This punishment deeply offended some White leftists, such as French painter-interpreter Louis Guilloux, and fake historian Alice Kaplan (The Interpreter). Guilloux and Kaplan both insinuated that the racist black monsters should have gotten free rapes and murders.
Note that in 2006-2007, Kaplan, then a professor at Duke, wholeheartedly supported the railroading of three White lacrosse players for the non-existent rape of career criminal and racist rape-hoaxer, Crystal Gail Mangum. Kaplan has no interest in justice. Rather, she feels great loyalty to black criminals, and great enmity to innocent Whites. In a twisted, 2005 Chicago Tribune op-ed which served only to lay bare Kaplan’s evil hatred of America and Whites, she asserted, “very few people know about the tragedy of Emmett Till’s father, Louis Till.”
In fact, nobody knows of “the tragedy” of Louis Till, because there was no such tragedy, except as regards Louis Till’s victims.
Kaplan’s very lede is a bald-faced lie: “Emmett Till's tragedy is so deeply engraved in our national consciousness that there is scarcely an American alive today who can’t evoke it in all its details...”
Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam kidnapped and beat Emmett Till, because of what they had learned from witnesses, all of them negro.
The witnesses were cousins of Till, and their friends, who had taken him to the Bryants’ store. He had made a point of lagging behind in the store, after the others had left, and putting his hands on Mrs. Bryant.
When Till’s cousin dragged him out of the store, Mrs. Bryant was right behind them, hustling out to her car, where she retrieved her pistol to protect herself against Till.
When Mrs. Bryant left the store, Till reportedly whistled at her, and called her “Baby.” (Mrs. Bryant had thought that the fat Till was a grown man.) If that is true, it had no effect on Mrs. Bryant, who had already decided to fetch her gun, based on what Till had done inside the store. (She would later say that he had put his hands on her and demanded sex from her, in lewd terms.)
The following passage is from the Life magazine article that William Bradford Huie wrote, including the confessions the recently acquitted murderers had given him, for the then-royal sum of $3,150. The scene is in front of the Bryant family convenience store. “Bobo” was Till’s nickname.
“Bobo bragged about his white girl. He showed the boys a picture of a white girl in his wallet; and to their jeers of disbelief, he boasted of success with her.[Till had grown up with the White girl in Chicago, but she was not his girlfriend. The only way he could have “had” a White girl or grown woman, as he repeatedly claimed, to negroes and Whites alike even in his last seconds of life, would have been to have raped her, the way his father had.]
“‘You talkin’ mighty big, Bo,” one youth said. “There’s a pretty little white woman in the store. Since you know how to handle white girls, let’s see you go in and get a date with her?”
“You ain’t chicken, are yuh, Bo?” another youth taunted him.
Bobo had to fire or fall back. He entered the store, alone, stopped at the candy case. Carolyn was behind the counter; Bobo in front. He asked for two cents’ worth of bubble gum. She handed it to him. He squeezed her hand and said: “How about a date, baby?”
She jerked away and started for Juanita Milam. At the break between counters, Bobo jumped in front of her, perhaps caught her at the waist, and said: “You needn’t be afraid o’ me, Baby. I been with white girls before.”
At this point, a cousin ran in, grabbed Bobo and began pulling him out of the store. Carolyn now ran, not for Juanita, but out the front, and got the pistol from the Milam car.
Outside, with Bobo being ushered off by his cousins, and with Carolyn getting the gun, Bobo executed the “wolf whistle” which gave the case its name:
That was the sum of the facts on which most newspaper readers based an opinion.
The Negroes drove away; and Carolyn, shaken, told Juanita. The two women determined to keep the incident from their “Men-folks.” They didn’t tell J. W. Milam when he came to escort them home.
By Thursday afternoon, Carolyn Bryant could see the story was getting around. She spent Thursday night at the Milams, where at 4 a.m. (Friday) Roy got back from Texas. Since he had slept little for five nights, he went to bed at the Milams’ while Carolyn returned to the store.
During Friday afternoon, Roy reached the store, and shortly thereafter a Negro told him what “the talk” was, and told him that the “Chicago boy” was “visitin’ Preacher.” Carolyn then told Roy what had happened.
Once Roy Bryant knew, in his environment, in the opinion of most white people around him, for him to have done nothing would have marked him for a coward and a fool.
To this day, propagandists have promoted the racial fairy tale, whereby Emmett Till was “lynched” for whistling at a White woman.
Till’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, told what I believe to be two additional lies: 1. That her son could not whistle, and had merely made some sort of sound which those nearby misinterpreted as a whistle; and 2. That she had given him “a talk” about how he was to conduct himself around White Southerners in Mississippi.
Emmett Till had spent a week around his cousins and their friends. They knew he’d whistled at Mrs. Bryant. But it didn’t matter, anyway. Till’s mother was responding to one lie—that her son was murdered for whistling at a White woman—with two of her own. Mrs. Carolyn Bryant had decided to get her gun, before Till whistled at her.
And as for “the talk”: In the late 1990s, black supremacists began asserting that all black parents gave their sons “the talk,” about how to act while in the presence of White policemen, whom the black supremacists asserted were more dangerous to young black males than black street thugs. Never mind that black thugs are over one hundred times more likely to murder young black males than White policemen are. Note that in the period since we began hearing of “the talk,” it has become stereotypical for black males to defy White policemen, and indeed all White authority figures. Thus, it is much more likely that all this rhetoric about “the talk” is just a cover story for black parents telling their sons to defy White authority figures, and I suspect that that is what Emmett Till’s mother really told him.
The recantation that never was. In the 2017 book, The Blood of Emmett Till, Duke University history professor, Timothy Tyson, asserted that in an interview with him ten years earlier, Mrs. Carolyn Bryant Donham had recanted her trial testimony. While Mrs. Donham refused to speak with the media, in 2018 her family denied that she had recanted anything.
[“Bombshell Quote Missing from Emmett Till Tape,” by Jerry Mitchell, Clarion-Ledger, August 21, 2018.]
“Professor” Tyson donated his tape recordings to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill library archives. The archives reported that Tyson’s tape recordings contained no recantation. He wrote in his notebook that Mrs. Donham had recanted, and asserted that he had not yet turned on his tape recorder when she did, but that story won’t float. If you’re interviewing someone who was involved in the making of history, and that person tells you the most Earth-shattering statement she could possibly make, but you haven’t yet engaged your tape recorder, you turn it on, and ask her to repeat herself.
Note that the only thing Tyson had to sell his book proposal was his claim that he had gotten Mrs. Donham’s recantation. Otherwise, it contained nothing new on the case.
Tyson’s defamation incited murderous, racist hatred nationwide against Mrs. Donham. He could have gotten her killed. The following passage was the lede in a “thing” in the black supremacist newspaper, The Washington Informer:
“The white woman who fabricated accusations of sexual advances that resulted in the gruesome death of black teen Emmett Till in 1955 will likely avoid prison.
“A 2007 confession to author Timothy Tyson made public last month in a Vanity Fair article revealed that now-82-year-old Carolyn Bryant Donham lied about the allegations that likely prompted Till’s death.
“The recent revelation of Donham’s false allegations caused outrage and a petition on has been directed to the NAACP to bring charges against Donham.”
Timothy Tyson is a fraud. And he had priors. Like Alice Kaplan, in 2006-2007, Timothy Tyson had supported the Duke Rape Hoax.
That Emmett Till had put his hands on, and demanded sex from Mrs. Bryant, would have been a mitigating factor in the murder trial, had Till’s killers been convicted. However, that would have been more than offset by the aggravating factors of the killers’ kidnapping and aggravated assault. Thus, Bryant and Milam should have hanged.
Meanwhile, in Emmett Till, the apple did not fall far from the tree. I believe that Emmett would have had a criminal career much like that of his father, replete with the rape and murder of White women.
Thus, while I am convinced that Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam should have hanged for murdering Emmett Till, I feel no compassion for Till, and believe that the murder of Emmett Till surely saved White females from being raped, and probably saved White women’s lives.
(I had planned for a few years on pitching a monograph on Emmett Till to Jared Taylor, not knowing that Jared had resolved to silence me, waste my time, cheat me out of money for my work, and to engage lesser writers to write articles on the same subjects on which I’d written the seminal works of the present era (e.g., the nation of islam’s Zebra Murders—Clark Howard’s book appeared over 40 years ago), so as to bury my superior work. So much for Jared’s commitment to truth or excellence.)
D.C. Mayor: Crime Due to “High Alcohol Density Institutions”
“W”: It can’t actually be due to “blacks acting black,” can it?
Hate Crime?
Surprise! Officer Dunn Who Testified that Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Were Chanting the "N-Word" is Huge blm activist -- Supported Mass Violence in Kenosha Riots
AOC says that she thought she was going to be raped on January 6.She was not in the Capitol building. She never encountered any rioters.Utterly shameless. [30-second video]