Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Racist blacks and Hispanics Refuse to Do Anything to Prevent Catching China Virus, and Insist on Blaming Innocent Whites Who Do Take Precautions!

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Tue, Dec 15, 2020 9:15 a.m.

"Black & brown people are dying 3 times more": Howard Univ. Hospital CEO to take vaccine

PGCE-P: So, it is a bioweapon?

Thank God for the fu--ing Chinese.

Actually, most “victims” of COVID die of something else.

Like lead poisoning.

N.S.: So, Whites take precautions, and lead a more healthy lifestyle, only to be blamed by genocidal racists for the lazines and laxity of blacks and Hispanics. Meanwhile, the powers that be engage in racist discrimination against Whites regarding money for treatment, prevention, and actual vaccinations.

It's just another battlefront in White Genocide, Worldwide.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those people just have bad life style habits. Drink, smoke, drugs, violence, overweight. No going to the doctor when sick until it is too late for medical care. Etc.