Friday, July 19, 2019

Bernie Sanders Gets a Lesson in What a $15 Minimum Wage Would Mean

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Sent: Fri, Jul 19, 2019 5:55 pm
Subject: Bernie Sanders Gets a Lesson in What a $15 Minimum Wage Would Mean

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The latest news and analysis from
Friday, July 19, 2019
Why Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax Won't Work
Elizabeth Warren says her "ultra-millionaire tax" will raise $2.75 trillion. History says otherwise.
By Peter Suderman and John Osterhoudt
Bernie Sanders Gets a Lesson in What a $15 Minimum Wage Would Mean
But the campaign workers complaining about their union-negotiated salaries are being hypocritical too.
By Eric Boehm
San Francisco Has Ditched Its Dumb 'IPO Tax' (For Now)
The tax was actually on much more than initial public offerings of stocks, and likely would have driven the next generation of startups to locate somewhere else.
By Eric Boehm

Trump's Message: If You Hate Me, You Hate America, and You Should Leave the Country
Lindsey Graham, who once called Donald Trump a "race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot," seems to agree.
By Jacob Sullum
Republicans Are the Party of Trillion-Dollar Deficits
If Mark Sanford wants to run a presidential campaign on restraining federal spending, he's in the wrong party.
By Matt Welch
Rush Limbaugh Abandons Fiscal Conservatism
The pundit heavily criticized Barack Obama for excessive spending. Now he says it doesn't matter.
By Billy Binion
Thousands Freed from Federal Prison by FIRST STEP Act Reforms
Many benefit from an increase in "good time" credits and from retroactive reductions in crack cocaine mandatory minimum sentences.
By Scott Shackford
As Politics Get Shaken Up, a Peace Coalition Emerges
It's refreshing to see many conservatives abandon their knee-jerk support for militarism, and nice to watch Joe Biden be held accountable for his support for the Iraq blunder.
By Steven Greenhut
The New York Times Says Heat Waves Are Getting Worse. The National Climate Assessment Disagrees.
At least in the lower 48 states.
By Ronald Bailey
Cities Across the Nation Are Making Commutes Harder With Increased Scooter Regulations
Free the scooters!
By Ben McDonald
Weekend Movie Review — David Crosby: Remember My Name
Portrait of a man running out of road.
By Kurt Loder
HBO's Terse Share Confuses as Much as It Illuminates
An original movie about sexual trauma doesn't take the easy route.
By Glenn Garvin

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