Friday, May 10, 2019

Seventh Guilty Plea in Gas Pump Skimming Fraud Scheme

By "W"
Thu, May 9, 2019 7:27 p.m.

I think the only way you can avoid them is to pay with cash. I've been reading about these skimming scams for years. Arab/Indian-subcontinent convenience store operators in the Metro Detroit area have been convicted for doing this for years and years.

"Seventh Guilty Plea in Gas Pump Skimming Fraud Scheme."


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Another beautiful young white woman murdered at the hands of a negro monster. In this case one strangled a former Playboy model named Kristina Rose Kraft. When will it ever end?

Reading the details brings to mind certain patterns I see in these murders. So often the negro claims he was having consensual sex with the white woman and then he kinda "accidentally" killed her. Basically, the bitch wanted it but then things got "out of control", when they argued over the cocaine and compensation. Then she (according to the murderer) hit him in the head so he just couldn't help himself, ya gotta understand, the bitch made him do it.

This murder happened last year, I don't recall hearing about it, must not have gotten a lot of media coverage. The media has to be careful not to give these black on white murders too much attention or the public might notice a pattern.

This case is illustrative of the recurring fantasies of negro murderer rapists of white women, that it was a booty call or they were in a relationship, it was just on the QT. In this case he claims that Ms. Kraft brought him to her apt. to do cocaine and have sex but I suspect he followed her to her apt. forced his way in and raped her, committing the murder to keep her silent.

I'm referring to the murderer as the "negro" because I don't think this piece of filth deserves the respect of being called by his given name. If you must know his name then read the article.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The hits just keep coming. Our local "news"paper had both these stories on today's paper. In the first a latino named man, no citizenship status mentioned, murders a woman and burns her body, the 2nd an illegal latino rapes a dog, but he is at least facing a deportation hearing.

The Oregonian shut down both comments fields, 1st one after 15 comments the 2nd one immediately. Wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Pdx,the only way newspapers and media will change the way they shut down free speech,is if people get out and physically protest at the address of these commie operations.No sign of it yet--whites are not organized.
What will it take?

Anonymous said...

These foreign nationals such as the Middle Easterner or Indian masters at the scam. They must teach that stuff before they migrate to the USA. Learn how to game the system and cheat. And do it without any qualms.