Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Kakistocracy or Mediocracy?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 12:34:00 P.M. EST

John Brennan, the commie, former Obama CIA director, accused the Trump administration of kakistocracy, without seeing the forest for the trees—meaning he's as guilty as anyone else he could label an incompetent.

Kakistocracy is the system of government where the most corrupt, least qualified people run the system. That's mostly true, at least compared to previous times when the majority of the US population had more in common with the politicians. At the beginning of our country's existence, the politicians and the people WERE the same (white)—with similar goals in mind—build a country based on freedom of speech and religion, along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As we achieved success through the decades and centuries, the general population still wanted the same things that they originally fought for, but the intelligentsia and wealthy separated from the rest, with their goals becoming less nationalistic and more selfish. They saw themselves as superior to middle-class folk, and in the Great Depression, saviors of them. Not that it occurred to them, the excesses they created to cause the Roaring 20s also caused the Great Depression. During that time, I believe, the viewpoint was born, whereby rich whites thought they were superior to the rest of the population (also white)—mired in unemployment—that they've looked down on, ever since.

The gap has only grown, with blacks and Mex becoming an even lower class of people to “help.” The most educated and successful go into politics and repeat the philosophies that only continue the cycle of “haves” and “have- nots.”

Kakistocracy cannot then be the correct term, as we do have our best people running things. Unfortunately, a sizable portion of them are sociopathic as well, and are looking out for their own good and not the country at large. In that sense, we need a cleansing of the election system and a return to our roots.

I'm typing this as I see NBC's monster coverage of Michael Cohen's three-year sentence. I should tape it and play it when I have insomnia.

Now Avenatti is on—NBC's fave. He's calling Cohen and Trump crooks—pot calling the kettle black, as it were. NBC could show this all day, couldn't they? They really enjoy it.

N.S.: "Kakos" is Greek for feces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gilded Age onward that group of very rich looking down on the rest of as with contempt. Even before that ancestors of the Pilgrims looked down on the newcomers, etc.