War crime victims Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

A Knox County mug shot of war criminal George Thomas
[VDARE Report: “The Knoxville Horror (Yet Again): George Thomas Conviction Shows Justice Expensive, Agonizing, Grudging in Multicultural America.”]
By David in TN
On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, George Thomas was sentenced by Judge Walter Kurtz to two life sentences plus another 25 years in prison for his role in the January 2007 torture-murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
Defense attorney Steven Johnson asked for the sentences to be served concurrently on the grounds of Thomas not having a "substantial" criminal history and "no proof tying him directly to the crimes."
Judge Kurtz disagreed and pointed out the time element indicated Thomas could have reported the crimes.
Kurtz also said "I've presided over a considerable number of cases. This one is hardly matched by anything in my experience." He called it a crime of "depravity and cruelty," and said "The sentence that i impose should be commensurate with the abhorrence of this crime."
On paper, Thomas is supposed to serve two life sentences back to back and an additional 25 years in prison for the rape, theft, and kidnapping charges. Those are to be served concurrently.
Thomas was originally convicted in 2009 and sentenced to "life without parole." He was awarded a new trial in the wake of a drug scandal involving the original trial judge-Richard Baumgartner. The lone female defendant, Vanessa Coleman, also received a new trial and was again convicted of facilitation and is currently serving a 35-year sentence.
The "alleged" ringleader Lemaricus Davidson and his brother Letalvis Cobbins were not retried, as there was overwhelming DNA evidence against both. Davidson is on death row; Cobbins is serving "life without parole."
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