Sunday, March 03, 2024

Trayvon Martin—A Victim of the Obama/Holder Campaign to “Disappear” School Crime

By Nicholas Stix
January 13, 2014

What has variously been called a “letter” and a “memo” from the Obama/Holder Justice Department was released (PDF) last week in effect ordering public schools, in the name of the law, to permit black and Hispanic students to break rules and even laws with impunity, while punishing white and Asian students for the same violations and crimes.

Notice Of Language Assistance

[The first page of the DOJ memo comes with this “Notice Of Language Assistance” although the people it’s addressed to are supposed to be American educational bureaucrats.]

The giveaway: references to “racial disparities in student discipline” and to “disparate impact”:

The administration of student discipline can result in unlawful discrimination based on race…if a policy is neutral on its face— meaning that the policy itself does not mention race—and is administered in an evenhanded manner but has a disparate impact, i.e., a disproportionate and unjustified effect on students of a particular race.

Emphasis added. “Disparate impact”  is an anti-scientific phrase which institutionalizes the dogma that there are no racial differences in behavior. It has been enshrined in rogue court decisions by racial socialist judges.

The Obama/Holder letter cites fraudulent “scholarship” that asserts that black students do not misbehave or commit crimes any more than do students of any other group. Such racial socialist propaganda disguised as scholarship used to appear every few years, but now appears more frequently.

Obama/Holder have finally attracted some conservative opposition (Experts slam DOJ letter telling schools to implement race-based punishments, by Robby Soave, Daily Caller, January 10, 2014). But their move is only the latest in what a appears to be a step-by-step White House campaign in support of black school thugs and what’s Alan Wall has properly called White House “racial totalitarianism.”

Thus on July 26, 2012, Obama signed an executive order “White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans.” I wrote at the time that Obama was “Granting Black Students Carte Blanche to Engage in School Violence and Disruption.”

Obama explicitly wrote that school disciplinary action had to be equalized across the races. He also mission-crept the federal role, as he did again last week:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, to restore the country to its role as the global leader in education, to strengthen the Nation by improving educational outcomes for African Americans of all ages, and to help ensure that all African Americans receive an education that properly prepares them for college, productive careers, and satisfying lives, it is hereby ordered as follows: [“White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans” by Barack Obama,, July 26, 2012.]

In fact, however, the U.S. Constitution vests no authority in the President regarding education. Beyond that, it is obviously a violation of the principle of equal protection for the federal government to provide programs to help only blacks, as opposed to members of all racial and ethnic groups.

The Obama/Holder campaign has borne fruit. For example,  New York City has imposed policies to advantage black school miscreants. In New York, suspensions were thereby reduced by one-third in a year’s time. [Annual Report of the Citywide Council on High Schools, 2012-2013, PDF]

But, ironically, the most startling fruit of the Obama/Holder campaign is the death of Trayvon Martinblown up into a hoax perpetrated  by the Main Stream Media/ Democrat complex to set the stage for Obama’s re-election.

Miami-Dade School Police had caught the young thug and thief Martin vandalizing lockers. A search of his bag then turned up stolen jewelry and a screwdriver, which the officer described as a “burglary tool.”

Proper police procedure would have been to arrest Martin on suspicion of burglary, and turn over the evidence to prosecutors. But instead, the officer, “Darryl Dunn, falsified police records and referred criminal behavior to school discipline.” That was in order to help achieve Miami police Chief Charles Hurley’s objective of “crime reduction.” [Trayvon and The Miami-Dade School Police Department – Redacted FOIA Newly Released – Former Police Chief Charles Hurley by Sundance, The Last Refuge, June 27, 2013. Note that a blog, not the MSM, uncovered this scandal.]

But had Trayvon Martin been prosecuted, he would likely not have been staying at his father’s girlfriend’s home the night he attempted to murder George Zimmerman. He might well still be alive today.

This police corruption predates Obama/Holder, going back at least to the early 1990s, creating the fictional national “crime reduction” that I have repeatedly exposed (here,  here, and here).

In contradiction to Obama/Holder, as I showed in The State of White America-2007, black school violence against white students is in fact rampant, and has made many schools education-free zones.

Moreover, historian Raymond Wolters showed in The Burden of Brown and other works that black school violence is as old as school integration. He reports that, back in the 1950s, the NAACP insisted that black students could and would assimilate to white norms while segregationists argued that, due to habit and temperament, blacks would never meet white standards. And sure enough, as soon as schools began to integrate, black students refused to follow the rules. They routinely cursed, disrupted classes, engaged in heretofore unseen violence and vandalism, and routinely sexually molested white girls. The NAACP’s response: to scream “Racism!”

As NAACP chief counsel Thurgood Marshall, by then a Supreme Court justice, would brag to his white colleague, William O. Douglas 20 years later: “Now it’s our turn.”

Brown had never been about fairness. It had always been about the racial conquest.

Today, with Obama and Holder, it’s the same story.

Nicholas Stix [email him] is a New York City-based journalist and researcher, much of whose work focuses on the nexus of race, crime, and education. He spent much of the 1990s teaching college in New York and New Jersey. His work has appeared in Chronicles, The New York Post, Weekly Standard, Daily News, New York Newsday, American Renaissance, Academic Questions, Ideas on Liberty and many other publications. Stix was the project director and principal author of the NPI report, The State of White America-2007. He blogs at Nicholas Stix, Uncensored.

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Anonymous said...

So under obama,"black law" was initiated--at least on the federal level.Each U.S. major city that was taken over by black mayors,police chiefs and demographics would have become lawless,with or without obama/holder guidance
And they did exactly that.

Note:I keep hearing on msm-"Face(the Commie)Nation",today--how massively crime is going down this(election) year.
Does anyone believe it?
Not me,not a chance.


Anonymous said...


I just saw a film clip of a movie that's being released March 15th--with the title--get this:"The American Society of Magical Negroes".

It's a "comedy" starring David Alan Grier.

One racist "comedy" line is being played,as Grier talks to a younger black ,while standing in front of a giant fish aquarium.

"What's the most dangerous animal on earth?"Grier asks.

"A shark?"

"No,White people."

Isn't that hate speech?

Be on the lookout for this gutbuster,I'm sure it will be promoted heavily on "Today","Good Morning,America,late night black tv(hosted by token Whites,Kimmell,Colbert and Fallon.)

Amazing who has free speech and who doesn't in 2024.


Anonymous said...

They always talk about the colored kids being kicked out of school so often.
The colored kids commit offensives on a habitual basis and are most egregious in the manner of their offenses.

Kicked out of school with good reason just for plain old ordinary bad behavior, again habitual in nature.

Anonymous said...

From TV GUIDE, Oct.1963-
"Principal Costigan is set on expelling some high school hooligans, but Neil [social worker played by George C. Scott] and a dedicated teacher persuade him not to." Co-written by regular TV scribe Arnold Perl and... wait for it- OSSIE DAVIS! Well, you know the hoodlums in the show were white, but we know now what the intention was... (I'm sure you recall BLACKBOARD JUNGLE, where it was the one white guy who was the "bad apple" spoiling the bunch, while saintly Mr. Poitier stood around on the sidelines practically wearing a halo.) -RM

Anonymous said...


This movie was produced by Focus features,a subsidiary of Comcast.Peter Kajawski is the exec in charge.

Reviews are not good.The only decent one came from Variety,which said,"it was a sharp satire,"while the majority of the other reviews wanted some real White ripping verbal attacks from the blacks,saying disappointedly,"It has more bark than bite.It could have been much more forceful."

The press is completely insane at this point.


Anonymous said...


(ZH)Local reports say that at least 12 people were killed and some 3,700 inmates escaped in a jailbreak. The prisons were stormed over the weekend, include a major facility in the capital and another in nearby Croix des Bouquet.'

About 80% of Port-au-Prince is already said to be under the control of the gangs, and the prison assaults started with armed groups staging a distraction by attacking police stations. The attack on the police stations then immediately followed with a coordinated assault on the prisons.

Given thousands of criminals just flooded the streets, the already bleak and lawless situation which has in many cases forced civilian residents out of their homes in the hardest hit neighborhoods, things are about to spiral further.

Reporters have in the aftermath witnessed bodies with bullet holes strewn about the prisons. According to the BBC, "Haiti's police union had asked the military to help reinforce the capital's main prison, but the compound was stormed late on Saturday."

"On Sunday the doors of the prison were still open and there were no signs of officers, Reuters news agency reported," the report continued. "Three inmates who tried to flee lay dead in the courtyard, the report said."

A Haitian government statement said Sunday that those behind the attack were "heavily armed criminals wanting at all costs to free people in custody, particularly for kidnapping, murder and other serious offenses."

GRA:You think blm/noi wouldn't like to try this?I do--after getting more blacks to be in charge of certain areas of government(including prison).