Sunday, March 17, 2024

Louisville cops turning down modest $$ incentive to live where they work

By "W"
sunday, march 17, 2024 at 03:41:56 p.m. edt

Louisville cops turning down modest $$ incentive to live where they work

I recall the Presbyterian (weren't they?) seminary students picketing the hotel. And attending a performance of Bruckner's Third Symphony by the local symphony.


Anonymous said...

Not even the black cops?I wonder what the racial breakdown is of the refusers.


Anonymous said...

'Feral cities", as Ken Matthews refers to them.

Anonymous said...

Louisville wants cops to live in high crime black neighborhoods in exchange for a $5,000 down payment on a ghetto house?

I wonder why that didn't go over.

"This idea came about after the Breonna Taylor incident",which incidentally,had it's 4 year "anniversary" last week.

Local news in Grand Rapids aired the "four year anniversary" story frequently by labeling the police "no knock" search on Taylor's thug boyfriend's house as "botched" and that Taylor's fambilee is looking for "justice(check out Buford T in the old Burt Reynolds' movie "Smokey and the Bandit" if y'all want "Justice").

Declaring Taylor an innocent victim,over and over,media should check out Ann Coulter's description of Taylor and boyfriend,as neither sound close to being innocent to me.

But media has her in the black martyr hall of fame--with the CP 5(living martyrs),floyd,arbury etal.

They only double down once a decision is made on that score.


Bugg said...

Louisville in the aftermath of this mess has become a 3rd world shithole. Businesses are shuttered, restaurants empty, garbage strewn everywhere. Had occasion to go there for an event a few summers ago. Despite all the nice video of the Kentucky Derby you may see in a few weeks , it looks worse that East NY.

Anonymous said...

A few decades ago I bought an exotic car in Cincinnati, Ohio and drove through Louisville on the way home to New Mexico. Being an unreliable sports car, it conked out on the street in Louisville. I got out and began trying to push it to a nearby parking lot when all of sudden there were 5 or 6 black young men alongside me helping to push it. I won't deny I was scared, but I thanked them and to my surprise, nothing happened. I didn't get mugged, beat up, or even insulted.

Anonymous said...

Always a bit deal with the cops I think across the country.

Residency rule mandatory as it is in Chicago. Many neighborhoods the locals hostile toward the cops. Few areas to choose a house to live in with decent conditions.

Anonymous said...

"A few decades ago",many blacks knew their place--were less violent and didn't carry guns as they do now.They're all nuts today and if you repeated that in 2024--as an experiment--you'd be murdered savagely.