Saturday, March 16, 2024

Can Things Get Any Worse in haiti?

By N.S.

Can things get any worse in haiti?


Anonymous said...

There may be disagreement about the ratings I'm going to list of what's "worse",but with blacks,it's all relative anyways--if the blacks living near you don't commit felonies against you,their relatives will.

Can we assume Haiti is the worst?
Make it a 1.

Second worst:Baltimore
Third worst:Chicago
Fourth worst:St.Louis
Fifth worst:Philly
Sixth worst:Atlanta
Seventh worst: New York
Eight worst:Houston
Ninth worst:Detroit
Tenth worst:Dallas.

When reports of cannibalism start to surface in these U.S. shi*ties--they'll move up accordingly.

The way blacks commit crimes and disappear in the states,I wouldn't be surprised if some blacks eat their own to revenge gang killings that take place--but not to the extent of Haiti--YET.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just listened to some news report wailing about how Haiti is now being run by criminal gangs...So what? The US is run by criminals gangs, they just wear suits and put on a veneer of being civilized. They're goal is to import Haitian and African negroes, Islamics, Paki's, Mex into the US and add them to the already barely civilized ones currently residing here. The unrest in Haiti will be another excuse for them to bring more of them over.

Anonymous said...

"The unrest in Haiti will be another excuse for them to bring more of them over."

Biden will say WE must do it. Biden worst President of all time.