Sunday, March 03, 2024

And is it a coincidence that this fire just happens to be where 85% of the state’s cattle population is located? Is this an attack on beef production? There’s also rumors swirling that FEMA was recently seen in this area. Does this fire have anything to

By A Texas Reader
sunday, march 3, 2024 at 09:15:36 p.m. est

And is it a coincidence that this fire just happens to be where 85% of the state's cattle population is located? Is this an attack on beef production? There's also rumors swirling that fema was recently seen in this area. Does this fire have anything to

"wildfire destroys 1 million acres, killing thousands of livestock in texas

I've lived in texas for decades.

Never heard of fires of this scale and intensity.


S--t, it was 94 degrees here in Dallas a week ago.

In February.

Weather modification?

Ask Naomi Wolf.


Anonymous said...

If it smells like arson with intent to kill livestock,it's probably just what it smells like.

Anonymous said...

We had decent weather here (upstate NY) last Monday, mild temperature and the sun making a rare appearance; the forecast was for more or less the same in the following days. Late that afternoon, the sky was FILLED with huge criss-crossing chemtrails, more than I've ever seen at one time. By the next morning, the sky was totally overcast and it hasn't let up since, with rain and colder temperatures and plenty of wind chill (which we've had all winter). And that was right after this news item appeared:

Anonymous said...

"Ask Naomi Wolf."

Personally I would not ask Naomi anything.