Wednesday, March 06, 2024

About my absence

By Nicholas Stix
I had a stroke on January 14th. However, I didn’t seek treatment for it until Monday, March 4th.

I could “explain” why, but much of it would explain nothing. However, one of what I consider the stroke’s most striking aspects was that it was not a bolt out of the blue. Far from it.

Actually, it was an extraordinarily slow-developing stroke. Consider that about 12 years ago, The Boss told me, “Just start your sentences; I’ll finish them.”

After all, we’ve been reading each other’s minds, and finishing each other’s sentences for about forever. That can be dangerous!

On November 8, I was walking on the boulevard. From the other side of the street, a complete stranger calls out to me. It’s an old lady (say 60), wearing a light blue, kung flu mugger’s mask, walking leaning on a black tubular, steel prescription cane. She calls out,

Her: Are you o.k.?

Me: I’m on my way to my doctor.

Her: I hope you make it.

And she wasn’t unique. Maybe I need to trade in my official doctors for a bunch of strangers on the street.

I spent parts of three days, Monday through Wednesday, in the city hospital in Coney Island (for a total of 49 hours), Brooklyn, because it’s much bigger than the hospital out here, and has a cardiac unit.

“And there’s Uncle Joe, he’s a movin’ kinda slow, at the Junction, Petticoat Junction!”


David In TN said...


To my partner in crime and comrade in arms, I hope you are all right.

David In TN

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear that,of course,but I suspected something serious.

I couldn't tell from your writing.

There are strokes and there are strokes.TIAs can be handled to some extent at home,by taking extra aspirin during symptoms.I did that for my mom a couple times and it worked.The hospital I took her to did nothing further as the clot dissolved.

Best wishes,my friend.I'll just say one thing:Heed what the doctors say--to give your body a chance to recover--and also lower the chances of having another similar incident.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

I hope you had nurses who looked like Betty Jo,Bobby Jo and Billie Jo taking care of you.


Anonymous said...

I had actually looked on VDARE a few times for any news about you.I had it figured out to a great extent.Get more sleep too(adding to my list of tips).


AbolishTenure said...

Whoa! Close encounters of the healthcare system kind. Don't go all Fetterman on us now.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon 100 % recovery. You web site is needed.

Anonymous said...

Is that David Fetterman?(kidding).


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this. There are few people left who care about the culture of the past, and fewer still who aren't Leftists. GET WELL SOON! -RM (You could try Ivermectin- if it works against spike proteins, maybe it'll work against blood clots)