Saturday, November 04, 2023

John Kennedy Rides Again! (Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

385,387 views oct 31, 2023
"at today's senate appropriations committee hearing, sen. John Kennedy (R-America) grilled defense sec. Lloyd Austin (Zanu-PF) about the state of the world."

"'Do You Disagree?': John Kennedy Asks Lloyd Austin Point Blank about the World Being 'on Fire'"


Anonymous said...

As if the colored boy Austin can even be thought to be the intellectual to Kennedy.

Anonymous said...

Austin would love to pop a few rounds into Kennedy from a book depository or a grassy knoll,I'll bet.


Anonymous said...

Translation:"The Inspector general will see that I get my cut of Ukraine aid--not as much as the President will receive--but a tidy sum,nonetheless."