Tuesday, November 28, 2023

"A Specter Haunting Europe": Dalrymple/Daniels Gets It Wrong

By A Colleague
tuesday, november 28, 2023 at 04:34:37 p.m. est

Re: "A Specter Haunting Europe"

i like the language in that comment: The political class is transforming Ireland into "a soulless administrative entity with a deracinated population ruled by wef apparatchiks":

More thinking on that topic from Irish-derived Steve Bannon on Tucker:


"Ep. 41 dublin in flames. what's happening in ireland will happen here, at scale. Steve Bannon explains." nov 27, 2023


On tuesday, november 28, 2023 at 10:17:42 a.m. est, A Different Colleague wrote:

First reader comment below the article:

"The impotence of the political class in the face of the concerns and anxieties of so much of the european population" is not the issue. It is the willfull connivance of the political class in causing the problems that give rise to those concerns and anxieties. Their goal is to turn a nation -e.g. ireland- into a soulless administrative entity with a deracinated population ruled by wef apparatchiks.

Theodore Dalrymple: A Specter Haunting Europe


"a specter is haunting Europe, and it is fascism. I don't mean by this the insulting term that radical students have long hurled at anyone who disagreed with them in the slightest. I mean a brutal, violent mass movement that will not hesitate to intimidate, oppress, and kill in the name of a nation.

"Geert Wilders is not a fascist, but if his electoral triumph in the netherlands (relative, not absolute) does not result in genuinely assuaging the discontents of which his triumph is a symptom, it is not unlikely that at least some of his voters will become so disillusioned with, and frustrated by, normal politics that they will look elsewhere for a solution.

"last year, a number equivalent to slightly more than 2 percent of the population of the netherlands immigrated into the country, while half that number emigrated. the former soviet union (excluding the ukraine) was the largest source of immigrants. a fifth of the immigrants sought asylum, and just under a third came for family reasons, meaning mostly for family reunification. only a third came to work. this means that an obligation to support a quarter of a million people has been created, at least for some time and possibly permanently, and a crisis of accommodation already exists in the netherlands, which such immigration can only deepen.

"it's likely that Wilders will not succeed in changing much. if he is to govern at all, it will be in a coalition, which will demand concessions from him. in modern europe, besides, governments propose, but bureaucracies, often to the left of them, dispose. Wilders will also have to contend with the european court of human rights, which will be anxious to clip his anti-islamic wings, not to mention the substantial proportion of the population that voted left rather than right.

"if, then, he fails to effect real change, the temperature on the right might rise.

"meantime, in dublin, the rumor that a man who stabbed three children and two adults outside a school was an algerian immigrant set off a riot in the city center, resulting in the burning of a bus, tram, and police cars. hooded young men, shouting slogans, used the opportunity to smash storefronts and loot sporting goods, in a kind of pale imitation of the Kristallnacht. it was the worst disorder seen in dublin for many a long year.

"what most alarmed me, other than the possibility of a resentful mob being one day wielded by a demagogue into a disciplined party, was the reaction of readers of the french conservative newspaper, le figaro, to its report of the disturbances in dublin. it was almost entirely favorable, with readers impressed that the irish did not stand for the kind of terrorism that the french so meekly accepted. no one (at least by the time I gave up reading the voluminous reader commentary) questioned how representative of the irish population the young thugs were, nor asked whether the rumor to which they were supposedly reacting was true, nor doubted the connection between what they were doing and their supposed political purpose.

"in france, the nervousness of the political class, its mistrust or fear of public reactions, has been revealed by the murder of a 16-year-old boy during a party at a village hall in the département de la drôme. about nine youths and young men, some with criminal records, descended on the party from a housing project 12 miles away and set about stabbing the partygoers. this brought to mind the events of october 7 in Israel. the authorities have so far been coy about the ethnic identity of the perpetrators, waiting for emotions to cool, hoping to avoid the conflict that they know lies not far below the surface of french society, even in la france profonde.

"the impotence of the political class in the face of the concerns and anxieties of so much of the european population makes fertile soil for the breeding of fascism."

N.S.: Nonsense. The cover-up tells you that the lynchers were moslems. The authorities covered up the terrorists' identities, not to let tempers cool, but because they support them, just like in "America."


Anonymous said...

" nine youths and young men, some with criminal records, descended on the party from a housing project 12 miles away"

Housing project = Non-French. Normally Arabic or African black. Banalieus.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Irish mothers and grandmothers stand shoulder to shoulder against the invasion of male rapefugees who threaten their daughters and granddaughters:


Where are the men in this protest? What kind of man doesn't stand with the women in his life to protect his wife, sisters, daughters and granddaughters?

This article by a writer named Allison Pearson is one of the best describing the ground level battle against rapefugees from the turd world. Here are some excerpts:

Back in July, around the time of my birthday, I happened to clock a protest by women my age in south Dublin. Several splendid Irish mammies with crossly-crossed arms and don’t-mess-with-me-mister expressions were blocking roads in their neighbourhood after rumours circulated on social media that 60 undocumented male asylum seekers were to be housed there. “We come out and stand here and protest to keep our children and grandchildren safe and we are called ‘racist,’” one woman said defiantly. “People are afraid. There is no one coming to speak to us. All the political parties do is use Facebook to call frightened women racists and bullies.”

What struck me about those women in their 40s, 50s and 60s – women with daughters and granddaughters to worry about – was that a major part of their anger arose from the fact that, not only were they not being heard, they were being treated as the problem. They weren’t the problem, and they knew they weren’t.

The problem was that their government was allowing men from God-knows-where into their community. Mainly young men who would want sex (how rarely that basic fact is mentioned) and who came from countries where girls with their heads uncovered, their flesh exposed, are viewed by some as fair game.

It was perfectly clear to the Irish women that the safety of their children should come first, above any other consideration. In any previous generation, it would have. But Western governments like theirs are so wedded to a multicultural experiment that they have failed to prevent a large number of illegal migrants (and far too many legal immigrants in the UK’s case) into their countries, often without adequate checks.

Surely, by now, it is clear that the Irish and, indeed, the population here in the UK, are being gaslit on a grand scale. Undocumented males from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa arriving in our neighbourhoods are not the problem, they say smoothly. It’s prejudiced people like us, who don’t want young foreign men with no concept of Western values around our daughters and granddaughters, that are the problem.

So why do I keep being sent stories about British women being terrorised on the streets of their towns? Here is just one email I got last week from a Telegraph reader in Staffordshire. “The situation with the migrants in Cannock is dire,” writes Jenny, “Women cannot go out on the streets alone, especially at night. The males gather around school gates and follow the girls and they follow the women around in gangs. They do not speak English which makes their behaviour all the more alarming. When the police are called, they arrive in their cars, place the men in them then drive them back to where the illegal migrants are living.

“This happens daily. Locals have written to the council and MPs and the outcome is that anyone who is worried about this is invited to sessions with police who tell them there is nothing to be done and that the indigenous population have to alter their behaviour so as not to cause upset among the migrant population. Women are advised not to go out alone in the evening and be mindful of the way they are dressed.”

Anonymous said...

It's turning into a chicken and egg thing,but I'm not sure which came first.There's no doubt that allowing foreigners to hold office in a particular country will accelerate more foreign invasion.That's the chicken part.The egg is what mystifies me.How does a country let it get to the point to where Muslims are allowed to populate a nation--with enough of them to vote Muslims into elected office?Once at that point,you're done as the country you used to be for hundreds of years.

It's the old"frog in slowly boiling water" effect,for sure.Whomever was behind this--or allowed it to happen--were traitors of the highest magnitude.


Anonymous said...

. "It’s prejudiced people like us, who don’t want young foreign men with no concept of Western values around our daughters and granddaughters, that are the problem."