Saturday, November 25, 2023

irish justice minister: thuggery by non-White, illegal alien terrorists on the streets of dublin will be tolerated, but none by Whites!

By N.S.
saturday, november 25, 2023 at 02:03:31 p.m. est

"‘thuggery’ on streets of dublin will not be tolerated – irish justice minister"

mug shot of irish minister for justice Helen McEntee


Anonymous said...


Boy,the way Sinatra sang,
Astronauts,they drank their Tang,
Streets were safer than Da Nang,
Those were the days.

And your friends were normal then,
Sue was Sue and Ben was Ben,
Mister,we could use a man,
Like Giuliani again.

Didn't have no Facebook chat,
Women's bodies weren't so fat,
How did I remember that?
Those were the days.


Archie's view on all things Ireland.

"Awww,jeez,"said the breadwinner at 704 Howser street,reading the latest NSU headlines,in his easy chair.

"A mick chick is running things over there in Ireland. You might as well pack the Irish flag in a crate and call the new country,Alqueeria."

"You mean ALGERIA?"said the Meathead.

"Algeria...Alqueeria,they're both countries that shouldn't have anyone within 2,000 miles of the great people of Ireland."

"And why not?"asked the Meathead.

"Well for one thing,their religions are,whatta-ya-call--incompartible."

"IncomPATIBLE?,"corrected the Meathead again.

"Yeah,the religious parts don't mash together,"Archie replied--"that's what I SAID,college boy--incompartible."

Edith:Dinner's ready!We're having stew tonight.

Archie(looking at the Meathead,but talking to Edith):Irish stew--or Alqueerian?

Edith:Oh,it's Irish stew,Archie--just the way you like it.

Gloria:I'll help you bring the food in,ma.

Archie:My point being,even YOU wouldn't eat any ALQUEERIAN stew,right Meathead?

(Meathead ponders)

Archie:Case closed.And besides that,even if their food WAS worth eating,you wouldn't want any camel jockeys living in YOUR neighborhood on a daily basis--would ya?

Mike:Why not?

Archie:Let's just say,when they flip a coin in the air to see which body part they want to slice off of yas-it always comes up--HEADS."

(Mike shakes his head)

Archie:Case closed--again.Whoop dee do--I just out argued the liberal--let's EAT!

The end


Anonymous said...

Correct about everything. If Africans rioted Dublin that would be "understood". When the native Irish riot, that cannot be tolerated.

Such an attitude tells me a lot.

Anonymous said...

The government in Ireland by their attitude and comments [misplaced and uncalled for] is telling the average Irisher what they really think of them. Concerns are not for YOU. Concerns are for THEM. The Irish ought to thank the government for what the leadership really thinks of them.