Sunday, November 26, 2023

three moslem terrorist students are shot and critically injured in vermont

Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 04:09:13 PM EST
Subject: Three Palestinian students are shot and critically-injured in Vermont

Three "palestinian" students are shot and critically-injured in Vermont


Anonymous said...

Who would shoot three PLOs?Three near sighted PLOs.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
News report I heard on the radio stated it was a "White man" at least 5 times. This was initial reports when they had no real information. It wasn't being said in and identifying way but an accusatory one. That's how it is, it's OK to assume White racism with no information but they'll never do that when it's a negro killer or any other non White one.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Meanwhile the islamic invasion into Europe continues:

Fron the article:

A fishing boat with 573 migrants on boat landed on Lampedusa on Monday after being rescued off the island by Coast Guard patrol boats. The boat had departed from Libya. The group, which includes four women and two minors, was taken to Lampedusa's migrant hotspot.

The "group" includes 4 women and 2 minors so it's basically a boat filled with 567 adult male rapefugees. Just how many moslem and negro men will be imported into Europe before they finally say enough is enough?

Anonymous said...

White guy did it. Under arrest.

Anonymous said...

1)White guy.
2)"Hate crimes possible,"says Holt.

GRA:Hit my shin with the side of your hand and you get a reflex action.White guy shoots a non-White and it's another reflex action by police chiefs and das--hate crime.


Anonymous said...

Why do Muslims run away from Muslim countries?Why do Muslims,when they get to a non-muslim country,act like the Muslims they're supposedly running away from?

Answer:It's an excuse to invade--like the Mex are doing in the U.S--and take over.


Anonymous said...

And White people say this SH*T,Jerry.