Thursday, November 23, 2023

update: irish rioters set holiday inn express on fire in dublin where hundreds of illegal aliens are being Held – after alleged algerian migrant stabs numerous children near

By R.C.
thursday, november 23, 2023 at 05:55:46 p.m. est

UPDATE 2: irish rioters set holiday inn express on fire in dublin where hundreds of illegal migrants are being Held – after alleged algerian migrant stabs numerous children near

Dem micks ain’t screwin’ around.

By the way, why are there algerians in ireland?

algeria has obscene amounts of natural resources.

It should be a very wealthy country.


Anonymous said...

The Irish people don't deserve this.
(Not withstanding what Clint Eastwood--as Will Munny--said in "Unforgiven".)


Anonymous said...

"Algeria has obscene amounts of natural resources.

It should be a very wealthy country."

If you had some whitey Irisher trying the same thing in Algeria, the man would be mobbed and killed in an instant.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Algeria wealthy? Well Thomas Sowell wrote about why Mexico--which has more natural resources than the U.S. is poor, while Japan which has almost no natural resources is wealthy. It all depends on the quality of the people.