Saturday, November 25, 2023

Officer Derek Chauvin and President Donald Trump

By Muggles
november 25, 2023
Steve Sailer: “Sounds like negligence might possibly have played a role in this attempted murder.”

Yes, like Jeffrey Epstein and Whitey Bulger’s murders in federal prisons. That’s why they keep trying to get Trump inside one of those.

Nobody knows nothing, and the feds are clamming up. Despite all suspects being in constant surveillance and tightly controlled, no one will say who did this (yet, if ever).

A cartel sicaro-for-hire hit job? Some black! convict wanting to make his gang bones or bonus?

How many supposed guards looked the other way, were asleep at their stations, or were betting with each other on the exact time of death?

Some stooge federal prison warden and some flunky “Justice Dept.” mouthpiece lawyer will hem and haw, both non White.

“Gee, this is terrible, we’ll have to look into this…

And the usual woke jackals will be gloating and bemoaning the fact that Chauvin isn’t dead. Tomorrow’s NY Times editorial…


Anonymous said...

"bemoaning the fact that Chauvin isn't dead"--YET.

Does he have a black doctor at the prison too--to finish him off?

"Well,lemme see more bullet ought to do it."


"Nope,two bullets."


Anonymous said...

Chauvin mixed in with real cons and they knew all along this was going to happen. Not negligence. Downright premeditation.