Wednesday, March 08, 2023

threat of violence doesn't stop north "texans" from traveling to mexico for "medical care"

By A Texas Reader
wed, mar 8, 2023 10:38 p.m.

threat of violence doesn't stop north "texans" from traveling to mexico for "medical care"

Get your brazilian butt lifts in brazil, not mexico!


Anonymous said...

Odds are,after you GO to Mexico,you'll need "medical care".


Anonymous said...

The coloreds were killed in Matamoros. Matamoros = Death to the Moor. The black fellah the enemy of the indigenous white Spanish Catholic. How ironic.

Go ahead. Go to Mex. Get a quack "doctor" mess you life up by treating you for cancer with a coffee enema.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in New Mexico, people would go over the border into Mexico for car body work, car upholstery, and dental work. I would be more than a little scared of Mexican dental work--I heard it was cheap, but crude.