Tuesday, June 14, 2022

read about the speeder who drove so fast that an ensuing crash dismembered him

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Jun 14, 2022 1:29 p.m.

Police said the driver was driving too fast when he lost control and hit the concrete median, then a metal pole. SAPD says the crash was so violent that the driver was dismembered.


Anonymous said...

If you said to George W Bush that someone was dismembered,he'd no doubt,grab his junk and say,"That must have HURT--the guy losing his member."

And he wouldn't be joking,but after having been corrected,he'd THEN probably say,"I guess I misremembered what dismembered meant.Oh well--back to doing what I do best--nothing."


Anonymous said...

The chickens came home to roost. Fast too! That proverbial last heartbeat. I doubt the man even felt much if anything.