Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What's the Score, Papi?! Man Accused in Deadly Shooting after Soccer Game Argument at SW Houston Restaurant

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Nov 15, 2021 9:31 p.m.

Man Accused in Deadly Shooting after Soccer Game Argument at Southwest Houston Restaurant, Police Say


Police say Julio Noches-Cerna, 46, shot Jackson Colindres-Herrera, 36, and Gustov Blanda, 40, inside the restaurant. They believe the three men were arguing over the outcome of a soccer game shown at the restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Amigo what hoppen your face? Cops beat you? What is the immigration of the perp and the vics?

Anonymous said...

"Roberto Duran" lookalike.Also similar,his criminal career--from this point forward--will be "no mas."


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
DeMarcus George and Mario Waters commit unspeakable crime involving a 6 yr. old girl. They'll be ok in prison though, black men just say they were turning the ho out and they be cool: https://newsbeyonddetroit.net/2021/11/16/two-arkansas-men-confess-to-raping-trafficking-six-year-old-girl/

eahilf said...


Some may have heard that 5 inmates escaped in Georgia recently by overpowering/threatening a female guard (link):

The sheriff said the inmates told the jailer they were going to kill her, then took her car keys and attacked the other jailer on duty.

(At least the female 'jailer' wasn't having sex with them.)

Here's an unusual story from Germany:

Kollegen bei Schießerei im Stich gelassen: Bewährung für Polizistinnen

Apparently, a male cop stopped and approached a car; the driver had an outstanding arrest warrant (it's not clear if that's the reason the car was stopped) -- two female cops in another car happened by the scene and stopped to observe -- the driver who was stopped then fired shots at the male cop; the male cop was wearing a vest, but fell to the ground stunned -- here's what it says the two female cops then did:

Polizistinnen ließen sich vom Tatort wegfahren

They sped away in their police vehicle -- leaving the male cop lying there in the road.


Todesangst und Panik

They feared for their lives and panicked.

Ein Jahr Freiheitsstrafe auf Bewährung für beide Polizistinnen, so urteilt das Amtsgericht am Mittag. Die Richter halten die Beamtinnen für schuldig. Sie müssen auch den Polizeidienst verlassen, wenn das Urteil so rechtskräftig wird. Angeklagt waren die 32 und 37 Jahre alten Frauen ...

The two female cops are 32 and 37 y/o -- they were sentenced to one year of probation, and barring a successful appeal will be fired.

Women should not be beat cops or 'jailers' in prisons for men.

Anonymous said...

Important point about Jerry pdx's story of the 6 year old:"Financial records showed the child’s mother rented a room at the hotel in March 2018, using a credit card.

The child was later removed from her mother’s custody, the agency said."

SHE(the mammy)was behind it--blacks have no decency.


Anonymous said...

"Police say Julio Noches-Cerna, 46, shot Jackson Colindres-Herrera, 36, and Gustov Blanda."

So the IMPORTANT score is not the soccer game but Sweden appears to be leading 2-0 over Mexico because--in the demographic game, Gustov is still alive,while two Mex are out of the picture.Even if Gustov succumbs,Sweden wins 2-1.

-- GRA

eahilf said...

>Important point about Jerry pdx's story

Another important point is that there was a plea deal: they pled guilty and will therefore likely receive a more lenient sentence, perhaps a significantly more lenient sentence:

“The two men pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of the girl in a plea deal that will cancel their upcoming jury trial and spare the 6-year-old from having to testify,” the outlet said.

Maybe it's just me, but 1) expecting/needing a 6 y/o (!!) to testify at such a trial seems absolutely absurd (WTF), and 2) given all the other info/evidence against them as described in the article, it looks like it would have been fairly easy to get a conviction without forcing a 6 y/o to testify.

Maybe offer the mother a deal to testify against them?

Juvenile law should be revised/expanded to cover young victims (as well as perpetrators) in order to accommodate cases like this.